How to Remove site

What Is

New tabs or pop-ups leading to regularly appear in your browser? It seems your computer is infected with adware. pop-ups might open even when you are not using the browser, launching it themselves. The ads on page often encourage you to install untrustworthy software; doing this might lead to further, more dangerous computer infections. If you were unlucky enough and got these pop-ups on your PC, please follow this step-by-step guide to stop ads. READ MORE

How to Remove page

What Is Hijacker?

Browser’s start page and default search set to would mean that a browser hijacker got installed on your PC. website is a search engine bearing a resemblance to In fact, some of the users might be fooled by similar coloring and words “Google Search” in the tab title and think they are using Google. In reality is a page that creates income by showing advertisements to visitors, and it refers to Google Custom Search to generate search results. doesn’t provide any benefits compared to popular search engines, while lacking some of their finer points. You’d be better off removing hijacker from your computer. READ MORE

How to Remove Ad4Pop Ads website

What Is Ad4Pop?

Ad4Pop software allows computer users to play premium games on In exchange the users agree to see advertisements and other materials by third parties in browser windows. Most of the time users don’t install Ad4Pop adware on purpose; they get it inadvertently when installing freeware from the web. If during a free program installation a user doesn’t decline “recommended” software, they ends up with several more apps then they intended. If that happened to you and you wish to remove Ad4Pop from your PC, please follow this removal guide. READ MORE

How to Remove browser hijacker

What Is can hijack search engine, startpage and homepage in your browsers and renew these settings every time you try to change them. This behavior is caused by one of the programs and/or browser extensions that you have installed. site looks like a search engine, however when you try using it it just opens a new tab with Google search results. If you want to delete from your Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera, this step-by-step guide will help you. READ MORE

How to Remove Virus homepage

What Is

If start page and default search in your browsers have changed to, a browser hijacker have been installed on your PC. The page contains a search bar that redirects users to, and several links, some of them affiliate, to popular web-sites. is designed to generate revenue for its creators and doesn’t provide any value that a built-in browser start page wouldn’t. In addition, may display ads in your browsers and prompt you to install more advertising software. All in all, it is better to get rid of promptly. READ MORE

How to Remove ByteFence Browser Hijacker

ByteFence browser hijacker

What Is ByteFence?

ByteFence is a legitimate anti-malware product, however if you get it unintentionally, with Java update or while installing some software, on top of malware scanner you’ll get a browser hijacker that sets start page and default search in browsers to or Another app that usually accompanies ByteFence in these cases is Chromium browser that is oriented mostly towards computer specialists and enthusiasts, while non-tech savvy users will be better off with Chrome or other popular web-browsers. To get rid of ByteFence, browser hijacker and Chromium follow the directions on this page. READ MORE

How to Remove Virus removal

What Is Youndoo?

Youndoo is a potentially unwanted program (PUP) that changes your default search and new tab page to and displays advertisement in your browsers. If you are wondering how Youndoo ended up on your computer, most likely that happened when you downloaded and installed some freeware from the Internet. Developers of free software and freeware sites generate their income by adding junkware to the packages with their programs; many users aren’t aware of this or don’t know how to avoid installing junkware. To get rid of search and start page, just follow this removal guide. READ MORE

How to Remove Virus site

What Is Maniihome? browser hijacker takes control of your browser settings and sets your start tab and search engine to, counteracting your attempts to change them. site is not a search engine in itself and just redirects you to results from other search providers (like when you enter search queries. If Maniihome hijacked your Chrome, Opera, Firefox or IE and you wish to delete from your start page and default search settings, this page describes how to do it. READ MORE

How to Remove Virus site

What Is is advertised as a privacy-oriented search engine that doesn’t record your search history. If new tabs in your browsers open to and entered search queries redirect you to the same site, that means Search Incognito got installed on your PC. That probably happened when you installed freeware from the Internet: free software often comes with potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) included in their installers, and if users don’t pay attention they end up installing the PUPs too. You can follow this removal guide to get rid of on your Chrome, IE, Firefox and Opera. READ MORE

Remove Ads by 22

Ad by 22

What Is Ad by 22?

If webpages in your browsers are peppered with green text links that, when you hover a cursor over them, display “Click to Continue > by 22” buttons or “Ad by 22” ads, your browsers are infected with “Ads by 22” adware. Adware programs can specifically aim at displaying ads, coupons and deals and have no other functions, or they can be actually useful programs that also make ads appear in browsers. Now, usually finding the app that causes ads is not that hard: just look for recently installed programs and add-ons. However, sometimes the app behaves perfectly normal for a long time but after receiving one of the updates turns into adware. This can often be the case with Ads by 22. If you encountered such ads and want to delete Ads by 22 adware from your PC, this removal guide is designed to help you. READ MORE

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