How to Remove Swiki Ads

Swiki adware

What Is Swiki?

Swiki (or Search Wiki) is a browser plugin that lets you get search results from multiple search engines and social networks at once. The downside of using it, however, is ads of all types following you as you browse the web. Another drawback is information gathering: Swiki collects data such as your IP address, pages you visited, web-searches you performed. This information is used primarily to generate customized ads, but it can also be handed over to third-party companies to use for their own purposes. If you want to get rid of the ads and uninstall Swiki from your PC, this article is designed to help you with that. READ MORE

How to Remove Hijacker

What Is OZIP?

If your searches are redirected to, and new tabs open to that page too, that means OZIP browser hijacker got installed on your PC. OZIP is promoted as a powerful data compression tool, and it can get installed together with some free software from the Internet. In practice, once installed, OZIP alters your browser settings to direct you to and prevents you from changing them back. To find out how to delete OZIP hijacker and get rid of redirects, just follow this step-by-step guide. READ MORE

How to Remove Provider Ads

Ad by Provider

What Is Provider?

Provider, or BestWeb, is a potentially unwanted program that promises its users to enhance their browser experience. In reality, this program injects ads in webpages you visit. The ads are labeled “Provider Ads” or “Ads by Provider” and consist of different types of advertising materials. Ads by Provider can partly obscure your view of the page, making it harder to see the content. Provider makes your Internet connection go through a proxy server, which can slow it down. If you want to get rid of Provider Ads in your browsers, this article can help you with that. READ MORE

How to Remove Stack Player Ads

Stack Player

What Is Stack Player?

Stack Player is a potentially unwanted program (PUP) that can get on a user’s computer when the user downloads and installs software from freeware download sites. Stack Player may seem like a handy little app allowing you to watch videos from Youtube, Vimeo and other video-hosting platforms without launching a browser first; however, be aware that Stack Player causes ads to appear in your browsers and collects your data such as IP address and browsing habits. That data can later be passed to other companies. If you want to get rid of Stack Player, you can use this article for guidance. READ MORE

How to Remove Chromatic Ads


What Is Chromatic?

Chromatic is a browser based on Chromium project. It is advertised as a browser focused on privacy and lack of censorship. Chromatic, however, displays numerous ads when you use it, and the ads can lead to untrustworthy or even malicious websites. Chromatic also often gets installed without the user’s explicit agreement, by bundling with freeware apps that can be downloaded from the web. If you unknowingly installed this browser, the following article will tell you how to uninstall Chromatic. READ MORE

How to Remove InetStat (InterStat, BandwidthStat)

InterStat website

What Is InetStat?

InetStat (other names are InterStat and BandwidthStat) is a potentially unwanted program (PUP) that can get installed on your PC when you download and install freeware. InetStat promises to display your Internet speed and it delivers; however, InetStat also serves as adware and injects ads into webpages you visit. Websites that these ads lead to could be unsafe to install or buy something from. All in all, unless you really need this app’s functionality, it is better to remove InetStat from your computer. READ MORE

How to Remove Triangulum Ads

Ads by Triangulum

What Is Triangulum?

Triangulum adware is a browser extension whose main function is to display ads whenever the user browses the Web. Job offers, surveys with promises of a prize in the end, prompts to download software, etc – are examples of ads by Triangulum. Besides being distracting and annoying, these ads are not safe: surveys will ask for your personal information such as email to complete them, while video player or other software you are prompted to download will almost certainly prove to be some sort of malware (ransomware often uses this method of distribution, by the way). To remove Triangulum ads from your browsers, just follow this step-by-step guide. READ MORE

How to Remove BrowserAir


What Is BrowserAir?

BrowserAir is a Chromium-based browser that is advertised as a privacy-oriented and secure web browser. In truth, this is not the case. BrowserAir gathers and sends to its servers information on your browsing habits, such as your browsing history and pages you have bookmarked. This data is used to generate ads that are more likely to entice you. And ads themselves are another reason to get rid of BrowserAir: they pester you as you browse the Web and can potentially lead to malware infections. READ MORE

How to Remove Web Bar

WebBar adware

What Is Web Bar?

Web Bar is a toolbar that may appear on top of your desktop after you install some free app downloaded from the Internet. Web Bar contains a search bar that allows you to enter searches without opening a browser first (the browser will be launched after you type your search and press “Enter”). The downside of having Web Bar, however, is ads it injects into webpages and the fact that it always stays on top of your screen no matter if other apps are opened in full screen. Web Bar may also gather your data such as browsing history to customize its ads. All in all, it is better to uninstall Web Bar, as it is primarily an adware program and it doesn’t add particularly useful features to your PC. READ MORE

How to Remove Redirects redirect

What Is hijacker? redirects are caused by browser extension bundled with free software. Once installed, the extension alters your browser settings and makes your start page and default search provider. It also injects ads into search results and might show in-text ads and pop-ups on the pages you visit. The ads may lead to untrustworthy websites or encourage the user to install more suspicious apps, and we advise you not to click on them. If you happened to get redirects in your browsers, please follow this guide to delete hijacker from your PC. READ MORE

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