What Is Funkysocialtabsearch.com?
New tab page, homepage and default search of a browser set to www.funkysocialtabsearch.com would mean that a browser hijacker got installed on your computer. That probably occurred when you downloaded and installed freeware. Free programs often have extra, potentially unwanted apps (PUAs) included into their installers. When installing these programs, a user can decline extra apps, else they are getting installed too. Funkysocialtabsearch.com page looks like a regular search engine, with a toolbar for searching on social media sites, and several links to popular websites. Searching via Funkysocialtabsearch.com will get you redirected to feed.snowbitt.com, then to search.safefinder.com, and finally to search.yahoo.com. You can use the instructions below to uninstall FunkySocialTabSearch software and restore your favorite search engine, new tab and homepage.