How to remove DATAF LOCKER ransomware

DATAF LOCKER ransom note:

----------- [ Hello! ] ------------->

       ****BY DATAF L**OCKER****

What happend?
Your computers and servers are encrypted, backups are deleted from your network and copied. We use strong 

encryption algorithms, so you cannot decrypt your data.
But you can restore everything by purchasing a special program from us - a universal decoder. This program will 

restore your entire network.
Follow our instructions below and you will recover all your data.
If you continue to ignore this for a long time, we will start reporting the hack to mainstream media and posting 

your data to the dark web.

What guarantees?
We value our reputation. If we do not do our work and liabilities, nobody will pay us. This is not in our 

All our decryption software is perfectly tested and will decrypt your data. We will also provide support in case 

of problems.
We guarantee to decrypt one file for free. Go to the site and contact us.

How to contact us?
Using TOR Browser ( ):
tor chat: http://tiurksxrhrefu6uzunlkpugr5rzejfeptxr4pauvsyzp4mlzuqmiatad.onion/feDJtT2hZC5X2ICH2Qq8  
login: [REDACTED]
Password: [REDACTED]

!!! DANGER !!!
DO NOT MODIFY or try to RECOVER any files yourself. We WILL NOT be able to RESTORE them.
!!! DANGER !!

This is the end of the note. Below you will find a guide explaining how to remove DATAF LOCKER ransomware.

What is DATAF LOCKER ransomware?

DATAF LOCKER is a malevolent program classified as ransomware. It performs a specific set of actions with the aim of holding the victim’s files for ransom (hence, ransomware).
The first, and the most essential, step that any ransomware program performs is file encryption. By utilizing cryptographic algorithms, these viruses encrypt all user data on the computer: pictures, videos, text documents, etc. These files are “locked” in the sense that it is not possible to view or edit them. To return them to their original state, they must be decrypted first.
During the second step, the program renames the files that were encrypted. Although not necessary, most ransomware programs do it to signal that something is wrong to the victim. In DATAF LOCKER’s case, the affected files are given .dataf file extension.
The last step is the creation of a ransom note, which is essential as well. Since any ransomware program exists to generate money, it needs to communicate its demands to the victim. DATAF’s ransom note can be read on the image above.
Whether to pay the hacker or not is a personal decision, but paying is associated with many risks and generally not recommended. Our guide presents an alternative: a way to remove DATAF LOCKER ransomware and decrypt .dataf files without having to contact the criminal at all.

How to remove Uyit ransomware

What is Uyit ransomware?

Uyit is a recently-discovered strain of STOP/Djvu ransomware. In simple terms, this means that Uyit was not created completely from scratch; instead it is based on Djvu virus. STOP/Djvu is ubiquitous in the world of ransomware, with more than a thousand known strains. This is possible because these strains are nearly identical to one another. You can see the similarity for yourself by comparing Uyit to another STOP/Djvu strain, for example Kcvp.
It is worth noting that Uyit renames the files after encrypting them: .uyit file extension gets added to the end of the name. It also creates a ransom note, “_readme.txt”, which you can read on the image above.
Both the text of the note and its demands are consistent with other Djvu variants. The virus demands $980 in payment, or $490 for those who contact the hackers within 72 hours of infection.
That said, if you think that this is a fantastic deal that you should take advantage of, you are sorely mistaken. Hackers who create ransomware often disappear after getting paid, without encrypting the files at all. Such behavior is even more likely considering how widespread STOP/Djvu is. The guide below offers an alternative way to remove Uyit ransomware and decrypt .uyit files.

How to remove Bazek ransomware

Bazek ransom note:

All your important files have been encrypted with AES256 by the Bazek Ransomware!
Reach out to me via e-mail at to get your files decrypted
We will delete your decryption key if you do not contact us withing 48 Hours and your files are gone forever!
Personal identification code: [REDACTED]

This is the end of the note. Below you will find a guide explaining how to remove Bazek ransomware.

What is Bazek ransomware?

Bazek is a ransomware program, which means that it exists to generate money via ransom. Digital ransom is accomplished by encrypting files – a process which makes them inaccessible – and demanding payment for their decryption. This is what all ransomware programs do, by definition, and Bazek is no exception to this.
After encrypting the files, Bazek also renames them, adding .bazek file extension to their names. This means that a file named “pic.jpg” would be renamed to “pic.jpg.bazek”, to give an example. This is the origin of the name of this virus.
Finally, Bazek creates a ransom note called “README.txt”, which you can see on the image above. The note does not mention the decryption price, only the hackers’ e-mail. It also mentions that the victim has only 48 hours to contact the hacker, and after this, the files will be impossible to recover.
Don’t panic, however. Don’t rush to contact the criminals; this is exactly what they want. Remember, the note was specifically written to manipulate you into paying. It is best to remain level-headed and explore other ways to remove Bazek ransomware and decrypt .bazek files, such as these described in the guide below.

How to remove Kevin ransomware

What is Kevin ransomware?

Kevin is a recently-discovered ransomware program. This term explains the primary aim of this virus: to extract money from its victims by the means of ransom. To accomplish this, Kevin ransomware performs a simple sequence of actions.
The first step is to encrypt the files. As such files cannot be accessed, they can be considered “stolen”. Then, it renames the encrypted files to highlight that an attack has taken place. To be more precise, the hacker’s e-mail address and .kevin file extension get added to the end of each filename.
Finally, the virus also creates a ransom note, named “ReadMe_kevin.txt”. This rather brief note can be read on the image above, and doesn’t really contain anything except the aforementioned e-mail address.
So, should you contact the criminal? Probably not. First, this will this encourage him to carry out future attacks; attacks that might target you again. Second, these people are neither trustworthy nor honorable. They’re criminals after all. Many of them stop replying after receiving, without bothering to decrypt the files at all.
For this reason, you should explore other ways to remove Kevin ransomware and decrypt .kevin files. Our guide aims to aid in this process of exploration.

How to remove HBM ransomware

HBM ransom note:

all your data has been locked us
You want to return?
write email or

This is the end of the note. Below you will find a guide explaining how to remove HBM ransomware.

What is HBM ransomware?

HBM is a new ransomware program belonging to Dharma ransomware family. It encrypts the files on the victim’s computer, which makes them inaccessible. This is done to allow the hacker to demand money for decryption later. Generally speaking, all ransomware operates like this.
After encrypting the files, HBM renames them in a way typical for Dharma viruses. A victim’s ID, the hacker’s e-mail address, and .HBM file extension all get appended to the original name of the file. Once the encryption process is complete, the virus finally reveals its existence. Two ransom notes appear; the first one is a pop-up, and the second one is a text file named “info.txt”. The notes contain, more-or-less, the same information. For reference purposes, the text note is presented on the image above.
As neither note communicates how much money the hacker wants for decryption, you may feel tempted to contact him, simply so that you can ascertain the price and decide on the course of action afterwards. Though understandable, you must be aware of the risks involved, as contacting the hacker can make you into a target for future attacks.
The guide below explains how to remove HBM ransomware and decrypt .HBM files without contacting the criminal at all.

How to Remove

Delete All Actual Spot virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a dubious website which attempts to make users accept its notifications request. Site notifications are messages with news and updates from websites that appear in the lower right hand corner of the screen on Windows machines, in the top right hand corner of the screen on Macbooks and on the status bar on mobile devices. claims that users need to turn on its notifications if they want to access a page, watch a video, start a download, etc. Once allowed, notifications from will start spamming users with ads, link or shady sites, prompts to download some software, fake alerts, etc. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete update info city virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a questionable website which attempts to trick users into subscribing to its notifications service. may tell users that they have to click or tap Allow on its “Show notifications” pop-up in order to access a webpage, watch a video, solve a CAPTCHA, etc. If a user does click Allow, notifications from will begin appearing from time to time in a corner of the screen (or on the status bar if it’s a mobile phone) and spamming users with ads, clickbait links, software offers, scammy messages, etc. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete upgrade info 24 virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a questionable website which tries to trick users into accepting its notifications request. tells users that clicking Allow on its “Show notifications” pop-up will let them see a video, download a file, access a page, solve a CAPTCHA, etc. If someone does click Allow, notifications will begin appearing on the person’s screen periodically with ads, links to untrustworthy sites, prompts to download something, etc. The notifications will pop up on the right side of the screen on a computer or on the lockscreen on a mobile phone. READ MORE

How to remove RansomBoggs ransomware

RansomBoggs ransom note:

Dear human life form!

This is James P. Sullivan, an employee of Monsters, Inc.

Recently our company has again expecienced great financial problems and we require some cash to move on with our 

electronic crap.
So we are relying on you in these hard times and are crying for help.

I am extremely sorry for the inconvenience but I am currently encrypting your documents using AES-128.
This key is encrypted using RSA public key and saved to aes.bin file:
[ C:\Users\[REDACTED]\Desktop\aes.bin ]

Please, DO NOT WORRY! I have a decrypting functionality too.
Just don't delete aes.bin, please. You will need it!


You just need to contact me:
TOX 76F64AF81368A06D514A98C129F56EF09950A 8C7DF19BB1B839C996436DCD36A6F27C4DF00A6


This is the end of the note. Below you will find a guide explaining how to remove RansomBoggs ransomware.

What is RansomBoggs ransomware?

RansomBoggs ransomware is a malicious program designed to encrypt the files and demand money for decryption. This type of viruses is called ransomware as it quite literally makes money by demanding ransom. RansomBoggs has several other names; you may know it as Sullivan ransomware or Chsch ransomware.
After encrypting the files, RansomBoggs renames them – adding .chsch file extension – and creates a note detailing the demands, a ransom note if you will. This note, called “SullivanDecryptsYourFiles.txt”, can be read on the image above.
Evidently, the hacker behind RansomBoggs was feeling humorous when creating it, as the note references Monsters Incorporated, a cartoon movie released in 2001. Indeed, Sullivan is one of the characters in it. Frustratingly, the hacker doesn’t offer much in terms of actual information, such as his monetary demands. The victim is merely instructed not to delete a certain file and contact the hacker using one of the three methods provided.
You should note, however, that messaging the criminal might have consequences, for example future attacks. With that in mind, you may want to consider other ways to remove RansomBoggs ransomware and decrypt .chsch files. A few of these ways are described in the guide below.

How to remove NULLTHEGAME ransomware

NULLTHEGAME ransom note:

Don't worry, you can return all your files!

All you have to do is pay 30 monero Address: 897EQfuea2sQbte5YLssvUZR68pLkNHXPdNsXQPxEjnZ42Vc oDc19DpJAWr6NCVT2oAnWieozQPsRK7Bj83r49pN1LeaUi3

What guarantees that I will give back your files?

The fact that all I care about is the money! Not your files.

Sincerely: NULLTHEGAME$_$

Email me:

This is the end of the note. Below you will find a guide explaining how to remove NULLTHEGAME ransomware.

What is NULLTHEGAME ransomware?

NULLTHEGAME ransomware (also known as NULL ransomware) is a new virus that belongs to Chaos family. Another recent example of a virus in this family is Anthraxbulletproof ransomware.
Created explicitly to make money, NULLTHEGAME utilizes digital ransom in order to accomplish this goal. It encrypts the victims’ files, adds .NULL file extension to their names, and creates a ransom note named “read_it.txt” (which you can read on the image above).
Encrypted files cannot be accessed in any way, but the note reassures the victim that they can be decrypted. The hacker demands 30 Monero coins for decryption. Although Monero, being a cryptocurrency, tends to fluctuate in price, one Monero coin currently equals 140 US dollars. This means that the hacker is asking for $4200, a significant amount of money for most people.
Very few people would consider paying this much, and even those that have the money to spare should think twice. Many cybercriminals responsible for ransomware programs disappear once the victim pays them, and do not decrypt the files. Thankfully, there are other ways to remove NULLTHEGAME ransomware and decrypt .NULL files. You can read about several such methods in the guide below.

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