How to remove HentaiLocker ransomware

HentaiLocker ransom note:

Well, looks like your files are encrypted by HentaiLocker.

But don't worry, you can still get them back. You need to use our special decrypter to get your files 


To get decrypter, you need to contact me by email ( and send these infos :
- PC name (your PC name is [REDACTED])
- username (your username is [REDACTED])
- your personal ID ([REDACTED])
- date when your PC got infected
After i'll get these infos, you will get a link to download our decrypter...

...maybe i'll give it... maybe not.

This is the end of the note. Below you will find a guide explaining how to remove HentaiLocker ransomware.

What is HentaiLocker ransomware?

HentaiLocker ransomware, also known as HENTAI ransomware, is a recently discovered ransomware program. This classification means that it’s a program that generates money by encrypting the files – which renders them inaccessible – and then demanding money from the victims for their decryption.
After encrypting the files, HentaiLocker will also rename them. In each case, the name of the file will be replaced with several random characters, while the extension will be replaced with .HENTAI file extension. After doing this, HentaiLocker will create a ransom note named “UNLOCKFILES.txt”. This note can be read on the image above; alternatively, you can read its summary in the paragraph below.
Confusingly, the note doesn’t actually demand any money from the victim. It’s possible that the hacker will ask for money once contacted, or that this ransomware is simply a “test run”, a way for the hacker to check if his program works before releasing the next version, which will extort money.
Although the hacker doesn’t ask for money, there are still risks associated with contacting him. He might decide not to decrypt your files – the note admits as much – and he might decide to include you in his next attack. This is still a viable option, but learning about other ways to remove HentaiLocker ransomware and decrypt .HENTAI files – like those described in the guide below – will put you in a better position.

How to remove Btnw ransomware

What is Btnw ransomware?

Btnw is a new ransomware strain in the STOP/Djvu family. It is very similar to other such strains (check out Mppn for comparison). It does, however, encrypt the files differently, so encryption methods that work on other STOP/Djvu viruses, such as Emsisoft Decryptor, may not work on this particular strain.
Btwn operates in the exactly same manner as all other ransomware programs. First, it encrypts all user files, then renames them (giving them .btnw file extension), and then finally creates a ransom note named “_readme.txt”. This note can be read on the image above; we will also summarize the demands in the next paragraph.
Just like every other ransomware in the STOP/Djvu family, Btwn demands $980 to decrypt the files. The note also offers a 50% discount for the first three days after infection; you should be aware that this is an attempt to manipulate victims into paying.
So, should you pay? Probably not. Hackers behind ransomware often ignore the victims and disappear without decrypting their files. It’s possible that you will get your files back by paying, but it is by no means a certainty.
The guide below will describe several alternative ways to remove Btwn ransomware and decrypt .btwn files, ones that don’t rely on paying the hackers.

How to Remove Dominant Display From Mac

DominantDisplay is controlling this setting virus removal from mac os x

What Is Dominant Display?

Dominant Display is a browser hijacker that has been known to target Mac users. The main way Dominant Display gets installed onto Mac devices is through software bundles or malicious downloads from third-party websites. Users may not be aware of the presence of this malware until they notice changes in their web browsing experience such as homepage being changed or redirected URLs when clicking links within search engine results pages. Once installed onto a device, Dominant Display will modify certain system settings such as default search engine and homepage URL, so that users’ searches will be redirected to Yahoo search engine. This step-by-step guide will help you remove Dominant Display from your Mac and get rid of the search redirect. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a dubious website which attempts to trick users into accepting its notifications request. claims that users need to click or tap Allow on its notifications confirmation pop-up to see a video, access a webpage, confirm that they are 18+, verify that they are not bots, etc. If a user clicks Allow, notifications from will begin appearing on the right side of the screen from time to time and spamming the user with ads, clickbait links, prompts to download something, fake alerts, etc. READ MORE

How to Remove Captcha Glow Top Virus

Delete virus notifications
Captcha Glow Top prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is Captcha Glow Top?

Captcha Glow Top (,,, etc.) is a dubious website which attempts to trick users into accepting its notifications request. Captcha Glow Top may tell users that they need to click or tap Allow on its “Show notifications” pop-up box to access a webpage, download a file, prove that they are not robots, etc. If someone does click Allow, Captcha Glow Top notifications will begin showing up on the person’s screen periodically with ads, clickbait links, prompts to download some software, fake alerts, etc. The notifications will appear in the bottom-right corner of the screen on Windows, in the top-right corner on macOS, or on the status bar on Android. READ MORE

How to Remove Operative Influence From Mac

OperativeInfluence is controlling this setting virus removal from mac os x

What Is Operative Influence?

Operative Influence is a browser hijacker that can be installed on Mac computers without the user’s knowledge. The main way Operative Influence gets installed on Macs is through malicious software bundles or “malware packages” that are downloaded from unsafe websites or applications. These malware packages contain multiple pieces of unwanted software, including Operative Influence. Once the malware package has been downloaded onto the user’s computer, it will install all of its components. Once installed, Operative Influence will change the default search engine settings so that any searches are redirected through their own servers and then to Yahoo or Bing. This step-by-step guide will help you remove Operative Influence from your Macbook and restore your preferred search engine. READ MORE

How to remove Bjrtziwsgw ransomware

Bjrtziwsgw ransom note:

We inform you that your network has undergone a penetration test, during which we encrypted
your files and downloaded more than 250 GB of your and your customers data, including:

Confidential documents
Personal data
Copy of some mailboxes
Databases backups

Important! Do not try to decrypt the files yourself or using third-party utilities.
The only program that can decrypt them is our decryptor.
Any other program will only damage files in such a way that it will be impossible to restore them.

You can get all the necessary evidence, discuss with us possible solutions to this problem and request 

a decryptor by using the contacts below.
Please be advised that if we don't receive a response from you within 3 days, we reserve the right to 

publish files to the public.

Contact us: or


Customer service TOX ID: 0FF26770BFAEAD95194506E6970CC1C395B 04159038D785DE316F05CE6DE67324C6038727A58
Only emergency! Use if support is not responding

This is the end of the note. Below you will find a guide explaining how to remove Bjrtziwsgw ransomware.

What is Bjrtziwsgw ransomware?

Bjrtziwsgw is the name of a new ransomware virus. After infecting a computer, the virus encrypts all user files on it. This means that it will encrypt your pictures, documents, and so on, but will leave the computer functional. These encrypted files cannot be opened or edited; to access them again, decryption is required.
This is precisely what the hacker behind the virus offers, to decrypt the files in exchange for a fee. This information is communicated to the victim via a ransom note, a text file named “HOW TO RESTORE YOUR FILES.TXT”. The image above contains the full text of the note, but you can also keep reading for a short summary.
The note suggests that Bjrtziwsgw was intended to target companies, though it may also appear on ordinary people’s computer too, simply by accident. However, the hackers would most likely refuse to talk to you in this case. The note doesn’t even specify the ransom amount, meaning that they intend to negotiate the price with each victim.
Our guide will provide an alternative way to remove Bjrtziwsgw ransomware and decrypt .bjrtziwsgw files, one that doesn’t involve contacting the hackers at all.

How to Remove Virus

Delete virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is one of many dubious sites that attempt to trick users into accepting notifications from those sites. Notifications are messages from websites that appear in a corner of the screen on computers and on the status bar on mobile devices. may tell users that they have to click Allow on its “Show notifications” pop-up box to watch a video, confirm that they are of age, prove that they are not bots, etc. If someone does click Allow, notifications will begin spamming him or her with ads, clickbait links, prompts to download some programs, fake messages, etc. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a questionable website that tries to trick users into subscribing to its notifications service. Site notifications are messages from sites that appear on the right side of the screen on computers and on the status bar on smartphones. claims that users need to click Allow on its “Show notifications” pop-up box to verify that they are not bots, to watch a video, to access a page, etc. Once allowed, notifications will begin appearing on the screen time and again and spamming users with ads, software offers, fake alerts, etc. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a questionable website which attempts to trick users into accepting its notifications request. claims that users need to click or tap Allow on its Show notifications pop-up box if they want to see a video, download a file, solve a CAPTCHA, etc. If a user clicks Allow, notifications from will start appearing on his or her screen periodically with ads, clickbait links, prompts to download something, and so on. The notifications will show up in a corner of the screen on a computer or on the status bar and the lockscreen on a smartphone. READ MORE

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