What Is Estemani Ransomware?
This virus has recently been detected among malware. As with all viruses of this type, the main goal of Estemani ransomware is to make money by encrypting files and blackmailing users. Usually, Estemani Ransomware enters the system through e-mail, through spam messages, free applications, malicious sites. Estemani Ransomware penetrates the system without knowledge of users. When Estemani Ransomware penetrates the system, it will begin to search for important files and encrypt them, making them inaccessible for use. You will receive a note in which help will be offered for a certain amount. Many users think: “Here it is salvation!” However, this is not salvation, it is a continuation of quackery. You will pay money, but you will not get help because it is blackmail. The only way to save your computer from problems is to remove Estemani Ransomware. Our article will help you with this.