How to remove Persephone ransomware

persephone ransomware

What Is Persephone ransomware?

Persephone ransomware is spread by hacking and software activation. It can also be distributed via spam messages, fake software update tools, unreliable software downloads and trojans. Typically, developers send users emails that don’t look like something infectious. When users open messages, Persephone ransomware quickly penetrates the system and begins to become infected. Persephone ransomware is aimed at blocking files, which, according to them, can be canceled only by purchasing a decryption key from developers READ MORE

How to remove Gtf ransomware

how to remove gft ransomware

What Is Gtf ransomware?

Gtf ransomware works by encrypting files on infected systems to require payment for decrypting files. During encryption process, all affected files are renamed. The id-1E857D00 extension is added to the file name. When the encryption is complete, a “FILES ENCRYPTED.txt file is created and a pop-up window appears that informs victims that their data has been encrypted. This message said that to return the files you need to establish contact with developers. You must write to developer’s email address within 12 hours. However, despite the payment, users do not receive the promised decryption tools, and their data not only remains encrypted but also incurs significant financial losses. READ MORE

How to remove HR ransomware

hr ransomware

What Is HR ransomware?

HR ransomware that infiltrates your system infects and attacks the settings of your computer. This virus places greater emphasis on files, important user files. Important files can serve as an object for blackmail. And so it turns out. Viruses block all of your important files, you will not be able to use them anymore because you will not be able to open them. Soon, one message will open on your desktop containing information about your system infection and how to return the files. According to developers, files can be returned by paying for the decryption key, which is available only to virus developers. Despite the fact that HR ransomware is able to encrypt files, unfortunately, it is not able to unlock them, so you do not need to believe that HR ransomware can return files to you for your money! You need to remove HR ransomware to prevent further infection. READ MORE

How to remove DecYourData Ransomware


What Is DecYourData Ransomware?

This malware was first detected in December 2019, a new version appeared a month later. To make a profit, DecYourData Ransomware uses the file encryption process using the AES cipher. It encrypts all files, including images, documents, databases, videos. DecYourData Ransomware uses these files as hostages “Contact Information .txt”, in which users must contact, albeit in a later version. emails used are and READ MORE

How to remove Decoder ransomware

how to remove decoder ransomware

What Is Decoder ransomware?

Usually, a virus like ransomware is spread through fake software updates, fictitious software downloads, illegal content, that is, you are not to blame for the fact that your system was attacked by Decoder ransomware. After penetration, Decoder ransomware encrypts various files and adds the .decoder extension to the file names, which means that the virus is unusable. It relocates to a ransomware family called GlobeImposter. After encryption, this following file will appear on your screen: READ MORE

How to remove BlackKingdom

how to remove blackkingdom ransomware

What Is BlackKingdom?

This is a ransomware that encrypts user data using the deceptive AES-256 algorithm, and then requires a ransom of $ 10,000 in BTC to return the files. The estimated launch date for this virus is January 5, 2020. The extension .DEMON is added to the encrypted files, which means that your files are unusable. Typically, BlackKingdom is spread by hacking using email spam and malicious attachments, fraudulent downloads, malicious ads, and fake updates, so this is not your fault. You could open files with BlackKingdom by negligence. After all files are infected, this virus sends the following note to the desktop: READ MORE

How to remove Mich78 Ransomware

mich78 ransomware

What Is Mich78 Ransomware?

This is a ransomware virus that encrypts various documents on the computer. or for detailed data recovery instructions. computer to one of the provided emails. Developers promise to respond as soon as possible with a detailed explanation of what people need to do. However, Mich78 Ransomware requires that you get the decryption software, and you still have problems receiving the money. Even developers who locked the files themselves cannot return them back. To get all the files intact, you need to remove Mich78 Ransomware from the system. READ MORE

How to remove MuchLove ransomware

how to remove much love ransomware

What is MuchLove ransomware?

This is a ransomware, which appeared relatively recently. This program is able to encrypt all your files and make you pay a lot of money for these files in a healthy way. Developers facilitate delivery of infection to the target computer. The introduction of MuchLove ransomware is available on any browser, on any device, to any user. After infection, you will receive an email with information about the infection of your system and payment for files in the amount of 300 US dollars to receive a decryption key. When you realize that you can no longer access any of your files, it will be too late. Often, because of it, users agree to pay, if only to return their important files. It is completely unsafe to pay a ransom to fraudsters because MuchLove ransomware will not save its transaction and will not give you the decryption key READ MORE

How to remove YKUP ransomware

how to remove ykup ransomware

What is YKUP ransomware?

YKUP ransomware is a ransomware program for Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, which restricts access to files by encrypting files with the extension. ” [] .YKUP. ” This is a way for virus developers to make money using blackmail, extortion, and deception. Encrypted files include important working documents, images, videos and .doc, .docx, .xls, .pdf. After locking files, you can no longer open them. Then YKUP ransomware tries to extort money from the victims, asking for a ransom in Bitcoins in exchange for access to your files. YKUP ransomware will do everything to prevent you from recovering your files. In fact, you can’t even unlock them after payment. Therefore, the only way is to remove YKUP ransomware from your computer. READ MORE

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