![Inlock ransom note:
Lo sentimos mucho, pero has sido objectivo de un ciberataque.
Todos tus datos personales han sido cifrados. Ponte encontacto conmigo para negociar el rescate.
Una vez me llegue el pago, te haré llegar la herramienta encargada de descifrar todos los ficheros.
Espero que no tengas nada de gran valor ;)
El siguiente código no lo pierdas o no podrás recuperar nunca más tus datos:
This is the end of the note. Below you fill find a guide explaining how to remove Inlock ransomware.](https://www.computips.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/how-to-remove-inlock-ransomware.png)
What is Inlock ransomware?
Inlock is a malicious program that falls under the category of ransomware. Once it infects a computer, the virus will encrypt all files on it. Encrypted files are essentially useless: you cannot view or edit them. But it’s possible to decrypt them, which will make them accessible again. This, basically, is the ransomware “business model”, to encrypt the files and then demand payment for decryption.
Inlock ransomware does several things beyond just encrypting the files, however. It renames the files as well: all encrypted files receive .inlock file extension. It also leaves a ransom note, named “READ_IT.txt”. Unhelpfully, the note is written in Spanish. The original note can be seen on the image above, and here’s the translation.