What is Bkqfmsahpt ransomware?
Bkqfmsahpt is the name of a new ransomware program. It is similar to another such program we’ve reported on recently, specifically Yguekcbe. This is not surprising, as both belong to Snatch ransomware family.
Once on the victim’s computer, it performs several malicious actions. The first of these is to encrypt the files using a cryptographic algorithm. Such files cannot be opened or edited unless they’re decrypted. The second is to rename these files, adding .bkqfmsahpt file extension to their names. This is how the virus got its name. The third, and the last, action is the creation of a ransom note. The note, named “HOW TO RESTORE YOUR FILES.TXT”, serves as a way for the hackers to communicate their demands. You can read its full text on the image above.
The message contained in the note makes it evident that Bkqfmsahpt specifically targets companies, though this doesn’t mean that private individuals can’t get infected with it. The note does not mention the price, only contact information.
But contacting the hackers may be a bad idea. Although we don’t have information on these hackers in particular, generally they tend to simply collect the money and disappear. This is why it may be wise to explore your other options. Some of these ways to remove Bkqfmsahpt ransomware and decrypt .bkqfmsahpt files are described in the guide below.