What is Gqlmcwnhh ransomware?
Gqlmcwnhh is the name of a new ransomware program in the Snatch family. Designed to make money via ransom, Gqlmcwnhh encrypts all files on computers it infects, with the exception of system files. The encrypted files are renamed, receiving .gqlmcwnhh file extension. Then the virus creates a ransom note, a text file named “HOW TO RESTORE YOUR FILES.TXT”. This note can be read on the image above.
The note indicates that Gqlmcwnhh was made to target specifically companies, similar to Bkqfmsahpt and Yguekcbe, other recent viruses in the Snatch family. Despite this, regular users may also fall victim to this ransomware by accident. The hackers do not mention any price, as negotiating is a better tactic when dealing with high-profile targets.
Conversely, this also means that if you’re a normal person whose computer got infected accidentally, the hackers will likely find you beneath their notice, should you choose to contact them. That said, communicating with them is not recommended anyway, so you’re not really losing much. Using our guide to remove Gqlmcwnhh ransomware and decrypt .gqlmcwnhh is a viable alternative to contacting the criminals.