![Masons ransom note:
Attention! All your files are encrypted!
To restore your files and access them,
send an SMS with the text [REDACTED] to the User Telegram
You have 1 attempts to enter the code. If this
amount is exceeded, all data will irreversibly deteriorate. Be
careful when entering the code!
Glory @six62ix
This is the end of the note. Below you will find a guide explaining how to remove Masons ransomware.](https://www.computips.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/how-to-remove-masons-ransomware.png)
What is Masons ransomware?
Masons is a recently discovered virus that falls under the ransomware category. These viruses are designed to make money for the hackers by extorting it from the victims. The virus encrypts the data on the victim’s computer, which renders it inaccessible. Then, the virus demands money to decrypt the data. Many hackers behind ransomware are targeting companies, but regular people fall victims to ransomware as well.
Masons renames the files after encrypting them; they are given .masons file extension. This means that a file that was previously named “image.jpg” would become “image.jpg.masons”, for example. This is useful for identifying the virus.
The demands of the hacker are communicated using a text file called “six62ix.txt”. The full text of this ransom note can be read on the image above; sadly, it contains nothing of interest. The victim is not told how much they have to pay, merely instructed to contact the hacker on Telegram.
However, this is not a good idea. Nothing prevents the hacker from simply taking your money and disappearing; there’s no guarantee they will decrypt your files. This is why you should learn about alternate ways to remove Masons ransomware and decrypt .masons files. The guide below is a useful resource, describing several such ways.