What Is Search.hshipmenttracker.co?
Search.hshipmenttracker.co is a hijacker that infects Google Chrome, MS Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer browsers. First of all, Search.hshipmenttracker.co will change your search engine to query.hshipmenttracker.co. It is impossible to change it, so you will be forced to use this search engine. Search.hshipmenttracker.co may also collect confidential information about you. Your home address, account names, passwords — all this will not be in security as Search.hshipmenttracker.co gets to your system. The main goal of Search.hshipmenttracker.co is to generate income through user pay per click. Therefore, it is not surprising that you will be attacking with a large number of advertisements in the form of banners, coupons, best deals. The only way to save your system and you from the torment is to remove Search.hshipmenttracker.co.