What Is Cohecenhetert.pro?
Cohecenhetert.pro might start popping up on your browser from time to time and urge you to click Allow on a confirmation request for notifications (see the screenshot above). Cohecenhetert.pro may state that you need to click Allow to prove you are not a robot, to watch a video, to proceed to the page you wanted, and so on. If you click Allow, Cohecenhetert.pro will start displaying push notifications in the lower right hand corner of your screen. Cohecenhetert.pro notifications will advertise various questionable sites and services and tempt you to follow shady links. If Cohecenhetert.pro site keeps opening on your browser on its own, you likely have adware installed on your computer. That probably happened when you installed some free program and didn’t opt out of extra software that was going to get installed as well, or when you launched a file downloaded from an untrustworthy website. This step-by-step guide describes how you can uninstall the adware and remove Cohecenhetert.pro pop-ups and notifications from your browser.