What Is Qqoo.club?
Qqoo.club is a rogue search engine that might start opening in new tabs of your browser or that your searches might get redirected to. If Qqoo.club keeps opening on your browser, most likely you have a browser hijacker installed on your machine. A browser hijacker is a piece of software (usually a browser extension, but it can also be a separate program, or a browser extension and a program together) that can change homepage, new tab page, default search engine and similar settings of a browser to direct more users to a specific search engine. That is a way to promote search engines and increase the number of their visitors, therefore boosting their advertising revenue. Usually browser hijackers end up on computers when users install free programs and don’t opt out of extra software that is offered for installation. You may follow this step-by-step guide to uninstall the browser hijacker and remove Qqoo.club from your browser.