How to Remove From Mac

Searches Network virus removal from mac os x

What Is is a fake search engine that redirects all searches to, and other actual search engines. If your Chrome or Safari browser started redirecting your search queries to all of a sudden, you likely have a browser hijacker installed on your Macbook. READ MORE

How to Remove From Mac

Pruden Search - Advanced search virus removal from mac os x

What Is

If your Chrome or Safari browser redirects your searches to Pruden Search ( and then to Bing, Webcrawler or another search engine, that is a result of a browser hijacker getting installed on your Mac. A browser hijacker is a piece of software that alters browsers’ Start Page, New Tab Page or default search engine and stops users from changing those to something else. In this case the hijacker is a browser extension called PrudenSearch – Advanced search, however the hijacker may also add a new profile on your Mac so that your Chrome becomes “managed by your organization” and PrudenSearch becomes unremovable. READ MORE

How to remove OptimumSearch(S) browser hijacker

remove optimumsearch s browser hijacker

What Is OptimumSearch(S)?

If you enter the query you need in your usual search engine and it takes you to the page and this site opens every time you start the browser, it means that OptimumSearch(S) program is installed on your computer. OptimumSearch(S) is a browser hijacker that alters the search engine and start page without the user’s knowledge to redirect it to dangerous promoted pages each time READ MORE

How to remove PDFt Search browser hijacker

how to get rid of pdft search browser hijacker

What Is PDFt Search?

PDFt Search is a rogue program called a browser hijacker. It got its name from its method of infection. It modifies browser settings to promote (it is a fake search engine). Users go to this page without their desire because each entered search query will be redirected to Virus adds the “Managed by Your Organization” feature to Google Chrome browsers. This means that a virus is controlling your system settings. Like most hijackers, the virus monitors user activity on the Internet and collects personal information. READ MORE

How to Remove CB Search

delete CB Search virus powered by Google (

What Is CB Search?

If CB Search page (“Powered by Google”) opens when you launch your browser or your searches get redirected to[search-query], and you haven’t added the site to your browser settings yourself, that means you have CB Search software on your computer. A piece of software that can alter the default search engine and Start Page of a browser against users’ wishes is called a browser hijacker. Most of the times browser hijackers get installed on computers together with free and pirated programs that users download off of the Internet. This step-by-step guide will help you uninstall the browser hijacker and remove CB Search from your browsers. READ MORE

How to remove AnyRadioSearch browser hijacker

anyradiosearch browser hijacker virus

What Is AnyRadioSearch browser hijacker?

Viruses like AnyRadioSearch have the features of a browser hijacker are distinguished by a fast and stealthy method of infection. AnyRadioSearch enters the system by bundling (attaches to other applications) and secretly changes the browser settings. Changed search engine of any browser will direct victims to page collecting views READ MORE

How to remove Genius Pro browser hijacker

genius pro browser hijacker

What Is Genius Pro browser hijacker?

This browser hijacker lives up to its name because it sneaks into the system by secretly attaching itself to some free application without notifying users about it. For some time, users do not suspect that their device is infected. In fact, the signs of the presence of Genius Pro also do not look like an attack by a malicious virus, especially for an inexperienced user. Most of the users think that pop-ups have no harm to the system other than annoying. We hasten to warn you that advertising is one of the ways to infect the system with Genius Pro READ MORE

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