How to Remove

How to stop redirects

What Is Hijacker?

If homepage, new tab page and default search in your browsers have changed to, this is the work of a browser hijacker. This hijacker is one of the programs or browser extensions installed on your computer; it might be Social Downloadr Toolbar, NowUSeeIt Player or some other app. Other than altering your browser settings, this program may generate advertisements (in-text links, pop-ups, banners and so on) in browser windows. You can follow the instructions below to remove from new tab page, homepage and default search of your browsers. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to stop redirects

What Is

Serene Find will change your homepage and start page to, and your default search – to, which in turn will redirect you to Like other browser hijackers, Serene Find will maintain these settings and not let you change them. Serene Find may also display advertisements when you visit popular online stores or your favorite websites. attracts interest of the users by allowing them to customize its page and choose what wallpaper they want, but that is the only benefit they get in exchange for the impossibility to get back their favorite start page and search engine, ads when browsing the Internet, and certain information about their browsing habits gathered by Serene Find. If you have this program installed and want to remove and from your browser settings, you can follow this step-by-step guide. READ MORE

How to Remove Safe Finder

How to get rid of redirects

What Is Safe Finder?

Safe Finder changes browser homepage, new tab page and default search engine on the infected machine to and does everything to make them stay that way despite the user’s attempts to alter those settings. is a search engine that includes numerous ads in search results; the ads are not clearly distinguished from actual results, and many users might mistake them for useful links. As you probably know already, clicking on random ads on the Internet is not a good idea, as you might end up on an untrustworthy site and, for example, unknowingly infect your computer. If your browsers redirect you to and you want to uninstall Safe Finder from your PC, this removal guide will tell you how to achieve it. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to stop redirects

What Is

Browser new tab page, home page and search engine changed to would mean that browser hijacker has sneaked onto your PC. hijacker takes control of these browser settings and doesn’t let you change them. It can also disable your ad-blocking extensions and make new tab with ads appear when you use the Internet. page looks like a search engine but it isn’t one: search queries you enter get you redirected to results from Google. That might confuse people and make them think their default search setting is fine (if they used Google prior to the change). You can follow this step-by-step guide to get rid of READ MORE

How to Remove

How to stop redirects

What Is browser hijacker takes over default search, start page and homepage in your browser so that you cannot change them back. This software probably got installed on your computer together with some program or game that you downloaded off the Internet for free. itself offers to get you search results from social media sites (Twitter, Reddit, Facebook) as well as results from the search engine Bing. Apart from altering your browser settings, hijacker may show ads or prompt you to download some software. You can follow the removal guide below to get rid of in your browsers. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to get rid of

What Is redirects are caused by a browser hijacker: it sets browser start page, homepage and search engine to that site and intefers with users’ attempts to change these settings. also alters browser shortcuts to make the browsers always open to its page. site doesn’t use its own search engine and refers to Google Custom Search to generate search results. If you wish to remove hijacker from your PC, please follow the instructions below. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to stop redirects

What Is

Homepage, new tab page and default search set to would mean that a browser hijacker got installed on the computer. hijacker takes control of these browser settings and prevents users from changing them. page is supposed to be a search engine, however search results you get from it are full of ads and promoted links. I wouldn’t recommend you to open these links as it is the way a lot of computer infections happen – some ad or link leads to a malicious site that executes a harmful script. You can follow this removal guide to get rid of in your browsers. READ MORE

How to Remove Search Engage

How to stop redirects

What Is Search Engage?

If your browser start page and default search were set to and you cannot change them, Search Engage browser hijacker got installed on your PC. It likely happened when you installed some video player or other free software from the web. Search Engage is distributed by bundling with such freeware: when you install the program, Search Engage is offered as an extra app and is installed by default if you don’t decline. Search Engage is notoriously hard to delete, as it changes the system’s group policies to become an “Enterprise Installed Extension”. If you’d like to uninstall Search Engage from Google Chrome, please read the instructions below. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to get rid of

What Is browser hijacker sets your start page and default search to and keeps you from changing them. This is done to direct traffic to site and increase its revenue from advertisements on the site. has the same color scheme as and uses Google Custom Search to generate search results; this keeps some users from realizing their browser was hijacked, and they continue to use this site and its services, inferior to the ones provided by real search engines. If this has happened to your browser and you want to get rid of hijacker, please follow this removal guide. READ MORE

How to Remove Search Solutions

How to get rid of Search Solutions

What Is Search Solutions?

The Chrome extension Search Solutions by Search Engage BitCro In is a browser hijacker and a potentially unwanted program (PUP). It changes new tab page and sometimes homepage and default search in the affected Chrome browser. The users that encounter this extension face a problem: Search Solutions is hard to delete or disable. It alters group policies on the computer and makes itself an “Enterprise Installed Extension” that the user cannot uninstall. You can follow this step-by-step removal guide to get rid of Search Solutions in your computer. READ MORE

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