How to Remove “Search My Tabs” Extension

How to remove Search My Tabs (“This extension is managed and cannot be removed or disabled.”

What Is Search My Tabs?

Search My Tabs (“Easily search opened tabs by url or title.”) is a browser extension that may end up on your PC after you install some free program from the Internet. You can also encounter a pop-up ad of Search My Tabs and decide to install it yourself. On the surface Search My Tabs might seem like a useful little extension for users who like to have multiple tabs open at the same time, however you should know that Search My Tabs is adware: it generates new tabs on your browser with ads or false warnings about malware that try to get you to call some number. Your search engine may also be changed. You will encounter difficulties when trying to delete Search My Tabs as this extension is “installed by enterprise policy”. What that means is that Search My Tabs uses Windows Group Policy (which is intended for corporate networks and not for home computers) to make itself unremovable. You may follow instructions on this page to reset Group Policy and uninstall Search My Tabs. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to stop,,, new tab pop-ups

What Is

If new tabs open on your default browser from time to time and load (or a similar URL:,,, which then redirects the tab to some shady site, this browser behavior is cause by adware. You may get this adware installed when you run a file or a software installer downloaded from a questionable source. This adware infection is often accompanied by browser hijacker and several other Russian potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) and games. You may follow this step-by-step removal guide to get rid of the adware and stop pop-ups. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to delete virus

What Is (Easy Speed Test) may become your browser’s startup page, new tab page or default search engine one day and resist your attempts at removing it. That would mean you have a browser hijacker installed on your computer. A browser hijacker is usually a browser add-on; it changes some of the browser settings to make users visit certain sites time and again. Browser hijackers also often collect users’ browsing data: URLs visited, search queries entered; to use for customized advertising. Browser hijackers are primarily distributed via installers of free software. You may follow instructions on this page to get rid of the browser hijacker and remove from your browsers. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to delete virus

What Is (Easy Maps Access) might become your browser’s start page, new tab page or default search engine (in this case it will redirect your searches to Yahoo search engine), and comes back after you remove it from these browser settings, then you have a browser hijacker on your PC. Browser hijackers change homepage and some other browser settings to make users visit certain sites, therefore increasing ad revenue for those sites. They can also collect information about users’ browsing behavior – what sites they visit, what they search for on search engines – and send this data back to its servers to later use for customized advertising. You may follow this removal guide to get rid of the browser hijacker and remove from your browser settings. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to delete virus (The site ahead contains malware Attackers currently on might attempt to install dangerous programs on your computer that steal or delete your information (for example, photos, passwords, messages, and credit cards). Learn more)

What Is

If you get a red warning screen about on random sites, that probably means you have adware associated with on your computer. Some adware programs generate banners on your browsers when you visit e-commerce sites, with ads (price comparisons and the like) from website. My guess would be that Chrome started blocking access to very recently, so now when your browser tries to load the advertisement, the warning page appears instead, taking over the whole tab. You can try using ad-blocking extensions (uBlock Origin is a good one) to stop browsers from accessing, however that will not get you rid of the adware itself. To remove the adware in some cases it may be enough to uninstall all programs and browser add-ons associated with it, while in other cases using anti-malware programs might be required. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to delete virus

What Is

If is appearing on your browser’s new tabs or startup page, or your searches are redirected to search results on site, and it keeps returning after you delete this site from your browser settings, then a browser hijacker is probably installed on your PC. You may have got this browser hijacker when you were installing some free game or program and agreed to “recommended” installation or didn’t opt-out of extra programs that were offered. This step-by-step removal guide will tell you how to get rid of the browser hijacker and remove from your browsers. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to delete virus

What Is

If appears on your homepage or new tab page, or have become your default search engine and redirects your searches to Yahoo, and you have trouble removing it from your browsers, you probably have a browser hijacker installed on your computer. A browser hijacker is a piece of software (a browser toolbar, for example) that changes some of the browser settings – homepage, default search, etc. – to make users visit specific sites. Browser hijackers also often collect some of the users’ browsing data: pages they visit, their search queries and so on, which may later be shared with third parties. This step-by-step removal guide will help you to get rid of the browser hijacker and remove from your browsers. READ MORE

How to Remove “Enhanced by Google” Search Engine [+video]

How to delete “enhanced by Google” virus

What Is “Enhanced by Google” Search?

If your homepage, start page or new tab page were replaced with a search engine that is “enhanced by Google”, or your searches from the address bar bring you results on an “enhanced by Google” search engine, then you likely have a browser hijacker on your computer. There are multiple sites that stamp “enhanced by Google” lable onto their pages. Whan you search for something on such a site, they provide search results made by Google search engine, however they can also intersperse other, sponsored search results amidst the natural ones. A browser hijacker is a piece of software that can change some of the browser settings (start page, default search engine and so on) and direct users to certain sites, providing those sites with visitors that might click on sponsored search results and bring revenue to site owners. You may use instructions below to get rid of the browser hijacker and remove “enhanced by Google” search engine from your browsers. READ MORE

How to Remove (Weatherly)

How to delete (Weatherly) virus

What Is

If (Weatherly) has become your homepage, new tab page or startup page, or your searches from the address bar are getting redirected to, and removing this site from your browser settings doesn’t work, then you have a browser hijacker on your computer. Browser hijackers change homepage and some other browser settings to specific sites in order to increase those sites’ Internet traffic. Browser hijackers often collect users’ browsing-related info – search queries, URLs visited – and send it to their servers to provide customized ads for the users. You may follow instructions on this page to get rid of the browser hijacker and remove from your browsers. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to delete virus

What Is

My Flight App may set your browsers’ homepage, new tab page or default search engine to and not allow you to change these browser settings to something else. You may install My Flight App yourself or it may be installed together with some free program or game from the Internet. Freeware installers often install several PUPs (potentially unwanted programs) like adware and browser hijackers, along with the program they are supposed to install. Sometimes there is a way to decline these extra apps beforehand, sometimes not. You may follow this step-by-step removal guide to uninstall My Fight App and remove from your browsers. READ MORE

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