How to Remove

How to delete (Login Quicker) virus

What Is

An unwanted browser extension can make (Login Quicker) your new tab page or startup page and not allow you to change these settings. Extensions that do this are called browser hijackers. A browser hijacker could have been installed on your computer together with free software you’ve downloaded from the web. Other than making users visit specific sites time and again, browser hijackers can collect information about users Internet habits (sites that they visit, things they search for on search engines) and some technical info including IP address, and later use this data for targeted advertising. You may follow this step-by-step removal guide to get rid of the browser hijacker and remove from your browser settings. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to delete virus

What Is

A browser hijacker can make (Play Free Music) your browser’s new tab page, homepage or default search provider. Browser hijackers usually come in the form of browser extensions (toolbars, video downloaders, and so on). Most of the time they get installed together with freeware that users download from the web. Other than directing users to unwanted sites, browser hijackers often collect data about users browsing behavior – what URLs they visit, what search for on search engines – and share this data with third-party advertisers. You may follow instructions below to get rid of the browser hijacker and remove from your browsers. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to delete virus

What Is (Easy Converter) might become your browser’s new tab page, start page or default search engine after you install some free program downloaded off the Internet. That happens because the free program’s installer has installed a few more apps along with the program, including a browser hijacker. A browser hijacker is a piece of software (usually a browser add-on) that can change some browser settings – homepage, new tab page, etc. – to make users visit certain sites repeatedly and generate ad revenue. You may follow instructions below to get rid of the browser hijacker and remove from your browser settings. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to delete virus (“This setting is enforced by your administrator”)

What Is

If your default search engine has been set to Web (Default), keyword:, query URL:[…] without your participation, and your browser is claiming that “this setting is enforced by your administrator”, then a browser hijacker is at fault. A browser hijacker is a piece of software that changes default search and sometimes other browser settings to generate traffic for specific sites by forcing users to visit those sites repeatedly. In this particular case the browser hijacker also makes changes to Windows Group Policy which is designed for corporate networks and allows admins to manage programs and settings on their users’ computers. browser hijacker uses this Windows feature to make “enforced by your administrator” and essentially unremovable. This step-by-step removal guide will help you to reset Group Policy and get rid of READ MORE

How to Remove

How to delete (Adamant Newsfeed) virus

What Is

If (Adamant Newsfeed) have become your browser’s new tab page, homepage or startup page, you probably have a browser hijacker on your computer. A browser hijacker is usually a browser extension; it may be installed together with a free program or game downloaded from the web. Browser hijackers change homepage and some other browser settings to make users repeatedly visit specific sites, increasing ad revenue for those sites. Often browser hijackers also collect data about users – IP address, visited sites, entered search queries, some other data – and share it with advertisers. You may follow instructions below to get rid of the browser hijacker and remove from your browsers. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to delete virus (“This setting is enforced by your administrator”)

What Is

An unwanted browser extension called Microcosm – New Tab may get installed on your computer together with some free program downloaded from the Internet, change your New Tab page and set your default search engine to which will redirects you to search results on other search engines. Usually uninstalling the unwanted extension and changing browser settings to something else is not hard, however is marked as “enforced by your administrator” and cannot be removed just like that. That is because is getting written into Windows Group Policy as Chrome’s default search engine. Group Policy is primarily used by admins on corporate networks to force-install or forbid certain software and settings. You may follow this step-by-step removal guide to reset Group Policy and remove from your browser. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to delete virus

What Is

If your searches from browsers’ address bar started getting redirected to[…] all of a sudden, then you likely have a browser hijacker installed on your PC. A browser hijacker is usually a browser extension that gets installed on a computer together with free programs that a user downloads from the web. Browser hijackers’ main purpose is generating traffic, and therefore boosting ad revenue, for certain sites. You may follow instructions below to get rid of the browser hijacker and remove from your browsers. READ MORE

How to Remove Adamant Search

How to delete (Adamant Search) virus

What Is Adamant Search?

(A)damant Search ( is a search engine that might become your browsers’ default search, homepage or start page one day and refuse to stay deleted when you try to remove it. That happens because an unwanted browser extension got installed on your computer, and it keeps adding to your browser settings. Extensions that do this are called browser hijackers. You might end up with one after you install some free program or game from the Internet. This step-by-step removal guide will help you to get rid of the browser hijacker and remove (A)damant Search ( from your browser settings. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to delete virus

What Is

If started to appear on your browsers’ start page, new tabs and homepage, while your searches from the address bar/omnibar bring you search results on[…], then you likely have a browser hijacker on your computer. That browser hijacker may have been installed together with some free or pirated software you’ve downloaded from the Internet. Hijackers can change homepage and some other browser settings to make users visit specific sites time and again. That boosts sites’ traffic and increases their ad revenue. You may follow this step-by-step removal guide to get rid of the browser hijacker and remove from your browsers. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to delete virus

What Is (Track My Flight) might become your browser’s start page, new tab page or default search engine all of a sudden and prove hard to get rid of. That is the fault of a browser hijacker – a piece of software that can change these browser settings in order to make users repeatedly visit specific sites to increase those sites’ ad revenue. Additionally, browser hijackers often collect information about users’ browsing behavior – sites they visit, what they search for on search engines – as well as IP address and some other technical info, and send this data back to their servers to be shared with advertisers later. Most of the time browser hijackers get installed on users’ PCs together with free software users download from the Internet. This step-by-step removal guide will help you to get rid of the browser hijacker and remove from your browsers. READ MORE

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