How to Remove

delete,, virus

What Is (,, may become your browsers’ new tab page and start page after you install some free program or download a file from an untrustworthy site. A browser hijacker may get installed together with that freeware and change browser’s start page and some other browser settings. Hijackers come in the form of browser add-ons/extensions or as stand-alone programs. Browser hijackers force users to use the promoted search engines; that raises revenue the search engines earn by displaying ads on their pages. Many browser hijackers are able to collect data from browsers (browsing history, search history, etc.) and show ads on sites users visit based on the gathered data. You may follow instructions below to uninstall the browser hijacker and remove from your browser. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete,,,, virus notifications

What Is might pop up on your browser periodically if adware is installed on your machine. The adware might get installed together with some free or pirated program from the Internet. After installation, it will start generating new tabs in open browser from time to time, redirecting you to ads, online casinos, adult sites, and so on. One of the sites that the adware opens is It prompts users to click “Allow” button on a little pop-up box and enable the site to send push notifications to these users’ machines. Once allowed, notifications will start to appear in the lower right corner of the page, promoting various sites and services. You may follow this step-by-step guide to get rid of the adware and remove pop-ups and notifications from your computer or phone. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete,,,, virus notifications

What Is

New tabs suddenly opening on your browser from time to time are usually a result of adware getting installed on your computer/smartphone. is just one of the sites that the adware might open on your browser. After appearing on the screen, asks users to click Allow button to proceed. Clicking the button will subscribe these users to push notifications from which will begin popping up on the right side of the screen with invitations to visit various suspicious sites or read articles. The adware is generally distributed via freeware sites and sites offering pirated software and files. You may use instructions below to uninstall the adware and remove pop-ups and notifications from your browser. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete,,,,, virus notifications

What Is

Pop-ups and notifications from or one of its subdomains (,, etc.) are usually a result of adware getting installed on a person’s computer or phone. Most of the time adware like this get installed together with free or pirated software downloaded from untrustworthy sources. The adware creates new tabs on the open browser from time to time and redirects users to various shady sites including tries to trick users into clicking Allow button on a notifications request and subscribe to push notifications from the site. If a user does this, then notifications will start to appear in the lower right corner of their screen (if they use Windows; they might be located in other places on different platforms) with ads and prompts to visit various promoted sites. You may use this step-by-step guide to uninstall the adware and remove pop-ups and notifications from your browser. READ MORE

How to remove Search By mixMusic

delete Search By mix Music virus

What Is Search By mixMusic?

The Search By mixMusic is an adware virus, which takes information from users. For example, you can be asked to share information about your location, about your IP address or something like that. You might be asked to share even your personal information like your name or surname. You can also notice that there is an insert advertising in your search service so your browser can slow down because of the amount of adware. It is important to note that search engine settings can be blocked and the standard view of your search engine be changed to another one. So, this guide will help you remove Search By mixMusic from your browser. READ MORE

How to Remove (Email Anytime)

delete virus (Email Anytime toolbar)

What Is (Email Anytime) may begin to open your browser’s new tabs or startup page one day and prove difficult to remove from browser settings. If that happens on your PC then you likely have Email Anytime software installed. A piece of software that changes homepage and similar browser settings without users’ input is called a browser hijacker. Usually browser hijackers come in the form of browser extensions/addons. Their main purpose is directing more users to the search engines they promote. Browser hijackers are distributed mainly by bundling with free programs. This step-by-step guide describes how you can uninstall the browser hijacker and remove from your browser. READ MORE

How to Remove Convert Docs Online (Windows/Mac)

delete Convert Docs Online new tab virus (My way virus, “enhanced by Google”) from Windows and Macbook

What Is Convert Docs Online?

Convert Docs Online (MW enhanced by Google) page may become your browser’s start page or new tab page without your participation after you install some free or pirated software from the Internet. The reason for this is a browser hijacker that got installed along with the freeware and is now controlling some browser settings. A browser hijacker is a piece of software that is able to alter homepage, new tab page, default search engine and some other settings of a browser to force users to do their searching via promoted search engines, increasing advertising revenue for those. Browser hijackers often collect data from browsers (browsing history, search history, etc.) and display ads in browsers based on the information they found. This step-by-step guide will help you to get rid of the browser hijacker and remove Convert Docs Online from your browser. READ MORE

How to Remove Fast Package Tracker

delete FastPackageTracker virus toolbar ( homepage)

What Is Fast Package Tracker?

Fast Package Tracker page ( might start popping up when you launch your browser or open a new tab. If you haven’t set that site as your new tab page yourself, then it seems you have installed Fast Package Tracker software that have done it for you. Programs that change homepage, new tab page and similar browser settings against users’ wishes are called browser hijackers. Most of the time users download them from the Internet unknowingly, in a bundle with free software. Sites offering freeware often add several PUPs (potentially unwanted programs) to their installation packages as an “opt-out”. Many users don’t notice that other software is going to get installed too, and don’t opt out. This step-by-step guide describes how you can uninstall the browser hijacker and remove Fast Package Tracker from your browser. READ MORE

How to Remove

delete virus new tab page

What Is

If new tabs on your browser started to open to (Template Hub) site, and your search queries are redirected to Yahoo search, you seem to have a browser hijacker installed on your machine. A browser hijacker is a piece of software that can alter homepage, new tab page, default search engine and some other settings of a browser against users’ wishes. Browser hijackers usually get downloaded together with free programs from the Internet: many freeware sites add a few PUPs (potentially unwanted programs) into package with their programs, as an “opt-out”. Other than changing browser settings, hijackers often collect data from browsers (sites that users visit, search queries, etc.) and use it to display customized ads to users or sell this data to other advertisers. You may follow instructions below to get rid of the browser hijacker and remove from your browser. READ MORE

How to Remove

delete h local weather radar now toolbar virus

What Is

If (Local Weather Radar Now) page appears when you open new tabs on your browser or go to the homepage, you likely have a browser hijacker installed on your PC. A browser hijacker is a piece of software that can alter new tab page, start page and similar settings of a browser to direct users to a specific search engine, boosting its traffic and therefore advertising revenue. Browser hijackers can also collect data from browsers (browsing history, search history, etc.) and use it to show customized ads to users. Browser hijackers often get installed along with freeware that users download from the web. You may follow instructions below to get rid of the browser hijacker and remove from your browser. READ MORE

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