How to remove Yguekcbe ransomware

Yguekcbe ransom note:


All your files are encrypted!

Write to us if you want to restore them. We can make it very fast.
We also downloaded 700 GB of valuable information from your network.

Contact me by email: or

The subject line must contain an encryption extension or the name of your company!
Do not rename encrypted files, you may lose them forever.
You may be a victim of fraud. Free decryption as a guarantee.
Send us up to 3 files for free decryption.
The total file size should be no more than 1 MB! (not in the archive), and the files should not contain 

valuable information. (databases, backups, large Excel spreadsheets, etc.)

To contact us, we recommend that you create an email address at or
Because gmail and other public email programs can block our messages!

If you do not receive a response from us for a long time, check your spam folder.

Customer service TOX ID: 0FF26770BFAEAD95194506E6970CC1C395B04 159038D785DE316F05CE6DE67324C6038727A58
Only emergency! Use if support is not responding

This is the end of the note. Below you will find a guide explaining how to remove Yguekcbe ransomware.

What is Yguekcbe ransomware?

Yguekcbe ransomware is a malware program (a virus) that is designed to make money in a very specific way. First, it encrypts all files on the target computer using a cryptographic algorithm. This process renders the files inaccessible, but it is reversible. The virus then offers to do just that, to decrypt the files; that, however, would cost victim money. These viruses are called ransomware because this process essentially holds the files for ransom.
When Yguekcbe encrypts files, it also changes their names, adding .yguekcbe file extension. In fact, this is how the virus got its name. It also leaves a ransom note, “HOW TO RESTORE YOUR FILES.TXT”, on the Desktop. The image above contains the full text of the note, but we will also summarize it in the next paragraph.
The note indicates that Yguekcbe virus is designed to target companies, though of course, private individuals may also fall victim to it by accident. The hackers do not specify the ransom amount, only their contact information. Presumably this is because they intend to negotiate.
Contacting the hackers is a bad idea; in many cases they just ignore their victims after receiving payment. And if you really are just a citizen whose computer got infected with Yguekcbe by mistake, they likely wouldn’t even talk with you. This is why you should follow our guide, which will describe how to remove Yguekcbe ransomware and decrypt .yguekcbe files without their involvement.

How to remove SEX3 ransomware

SEX3 ransom note:

The harddisks of your computer have been encrypted with an military grade encryption algorithm. There is 

no way to restore your data without a special key. You can purchase this key on the darknet page
E-mail: - this is our mail
CODE: 14B4030A8A7F8B8D7B1101720567C27E this is code; you must send
BTC: 17CqMQFeuB3NTzJ2X28tfRmWaPyPQgvoHV  here need to pay 0,5 bitcoins
continue the normal download on your computer. Good luck! May God help you!

This is the end of the note. Below you will find a guide explaining how to remove SEX3 ransomware.

What is SEX3 ransomware?

SEX3 is a recently discovered ransomware program that belongs to the SATANA ransomware family. It operates in the same way as other ransomware programs: it encrypts all files on the computer and then demands money to decrypt them. In addition to this, SEX3 renames the infected files, giving them .SEX3 file extension. This is the origin of its name. It also changes the wallpaper, and, of course, leaves a ransom note.
The note, named “!satana!.txt”, can be read on the image above. Alternatively, keep reading for the summary.
Written in a somewhat confusing manner, the note was likely written by a non-native English speaker. The hacker is most likely from Russia, as evidenced by their e-mail:
When it comes to the actual demands, SEX3 is completely unreasonable, expecting the victims to pay 0.5 BTC in ransom. Although cryptocurrency exchange prices always fluctuate, at the date of writing (November 2022) 0.5 BTC is equivalent to 8,300 US dollars.
Few people will consider paying this much for their data, so we’ve compiled a guide focused on alternative ways to remove SEX3 ransomware and decrypt .SEX3 files.

How to Remove

Delete Editor Money virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a questionable website which attempts to trick users into accepting its notifications request. claims that users need to click or tap Allow on its “Show notifications” pop-up to access a webpage, watch a video, solve a CAPTCHA, or for another reason. If a user clicks Allow, notifications will start showing up on his or her screen periodically with ads, clickbait links, software offers, fraudulent messages, etc. The notifications will appear on the right side of the screen on a computer or on the lockscreen on a mobile device. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete Test Access Xyz virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a dubious website that tries to trick users into accepting its notifications request. claims that users need to click or tap Allow on its notifications confirmation pop-up to verify that they are humans and not bots. If a user does click Allow, notifications from will start appearing on his or her screen periodically with ads, links to shady sites, prompts to download some software, fake alerts from the operating system, etc. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a shady website which attempts to trick users into subscribing to its notifications. Site notifications are messages from websites that appear in a corner of the screen on computers and on the status bar on mobile devices. claims that users need to click Allow on its notifications confirmation pop-up to access a page, see a video, start a download, or for another reason. If someone does click Allow, notifications will begin appearing on the person’s screen periodically with ads, clickbait links, software offers, etc. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete Top Img Click virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a questionable website which attempts to trick users into accepting its notifications request. may tell users that they need to click or tap Allow on its “Show notifications” pop-up box if they want to watch a video, open a page, solve a CAPTCHA, etc. If a user clicks Allow, notifications from will begin popping up on his or her screen from time to time with ads, clickbait links, software offers, fake alerts, etc. The notifications will appear in a corner of the screen on a computer or on the status bar on a mobile device. READ MORE

How to Remove Ads

Delete virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a shady website which tries to trick users into subscribing to its notifications service. may tell users that they have to click Allow on its notifications confirmation popup if they want to see a video, start a download, access a webpage, etc. If someone does click Allow, notifications from will begin appearing in a corner of the screen periodically. The notifications may contain ads, prompts to download some software , fake alerts from the OS, scammy messages, etc. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete smart hit inc virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a questionable website that tries to trick users into accepting its notifications. The site claims that clicking Allow on its “Show notifications” pop-up will let users see a video, download a file, verify that they are not bots, etc. Site notifications are messages from websites that appear in the bottom-right corner of the screen on Windows, in the top-right corner on macOS, and on the status bar on Android. notifications, once allowed, will pop up periodically with ads, clickbait links, software offers, scammy messages, etc. READ MORE

How to remove Anthraxbulletproof ransomware

Anthraxbulletproof ransom note:

Your computer was infected with a ransomware virus. Your files have been encrypted and you won't
be able to decrypt them without our help.What can I do to get my files back?You can buy our special
decryption software, this software will allow you to recover all of your data and remove the
ransomware from your computer.
How do I pay, where do I get Bitcoin?
Purchasing Bitcoin varies from country to country, you are best advised to do a quick google search
yourself  to find out how to buy Bitcoin.

Payment informationAmount: 10 000 American Dolar ( Convert it in Bitcoin )
Bitcoin Address:  [REDACTED]

After Sending Bitcoin Send us a message on telegram : @anthraxlinkers

This is the end of the note. Below you will find a guide explaining how to remove Anthraxbulletproof ransomware.

What is Anthraxbulletproof ransomware?

Anthraxbulletproof is a new variant of Chaos ransomware. Much like other ransomware programs, it encrypts every file on the target computer and demands money for their decryption. It also does several other things.
First, it renames the infected files, adding .Anthraxbulletproof file extension. For example, a file that was previously named “selfie.jpg” would be renamed to “selfie.jpg.Anthraxbulletproof”.
Second, it creates a ransom note – a file called “read_it.txt” – for the purpose of providing the victim with the demands and contact information of the hackers. You can read the full text of the note on the image above, or the summary provided below.
The hackers demand $10,000 (ten thousand US dollars) for decryption. As this is a completely unreasonable demand for most private citizens, it is likely that Anthraxbulletproof was designed to target companies. The victim is instructed to transfer this sum to the hackers’ Bitcoin address, then contact them on Telegram.
We don’t need to tell you that paying ten grand to some criminals is a bad idea (unless you’re a company, in which case you should run a cost-benefit analysis). Instead, follow our guide that will explain how to remove Anthraxbulletproof ransomware and decrypt .Anthraxbulletproof files without paying the hackers.

How to remove Fate ransomware

What is Fate ransomware?

Fate is a new strain of STOP/Djvu ransomware. In most aspects, it is identical to other STOP/Djvu strains. However, the name of the virus, the hackers’ contact information, and the encryption method obviously differ. Fatp is another recent STOP/Djvu strain; if you compare the two, you will see that they’re very similar to each other. Even the ransom note and the demands are the same.
This means that the easiest way to distinguish these viruses is their name. Fate ransomware renames the files it encrypts, adding .fate file extension. Meaning, “note.docx” would be renamed “note.docx.fate”. This extension is the name of the virus.
The ransom note, meanwhile, is located on the Desktop and bears the name “_readme.txt”. The image above contains the full text of the note, but basically, the hackers want $980 for decrypting the files. Those who pay within 3 days of infection are offered a 50% discount; the hackers demand $490 from them.
Don’t fall for this psychological trick. This discount is not a good deal, since you shouldn’t pay anything in the first place, and the sense of urgency this offer creates is completely manufactured. Beyond that, it is common for these hackers to simply disappear once they get the money, without decrypting anything at all.
Instead, you may follow our guide that will explain how to remove Fate ransomware and decrypt .fate files without involving these criminals.

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