How to Remove Major Letter Search From Mac

MajorLetterSearch Search is controlling this setting virus removal from mac os x

What Is Major Letter Search?

Major Letter Search is a browser hijacker that may appear on your Mac one day and resist your attempts to remove it. A browser hijacker is a piece of software that may alter Homepage, New Tab Page or Search Engine on browsers and stop users from changing those settings again. Most of the time hijackers get downloaded together with free or cracked applications or with files from untrustworthy sources. Major Letter Search, once installed, sets the default search engine on Google Chrome browser to a fake search engine which redirects all users’ searches to Yahoo. This step-by-step guide will help you remove Major Letter Search from your Macbook and get rid of the Yahoo Search redirect. READ MORE

How to remove Mao ransomware

Mao ransom note:

all your data has been locked us
You want to return?
write email or

This is the end of the note. Below you will find a guide explaining how to remove Mao ransomware.

What is Mao ransomware?

Mao is a new strain of Dharma ransomware. Once on the victim’s computer, this malicious program will encrypt all files it can find with the intent to demand money for their decryption, essentially holding them ransom. It also renames the files, giving them .mao file extension, and creates a ransom note called “info.txt”.
Three-letter extensions are common for Dharma-type ransomware. Many other viruses, such as SBU, RPC, and CY3, also follow this naming convention. Nonetheless, it is not universal; Cyberpunk ransomware also belongs to the Dharma family.
Regardless, let’s get back to Mao virus specifically. Its ransom note is rather brief, as you can see on the image above. That is because the virus also shows a pop-up window that explains the situation in a slightly more detailed manner, though it doesn’t actually provide more information.
Not knowing how much money the hackers want is a double-edged sword. Perhaps they are willing to negotiate, or maybe they want a lot of money and don’t want to say it outright. Regardless, even a simple inquiry about the price can make you a target of future attacks, so perhaps you shouldn’t contact the criminals at all.
Our guide can aid you, should you choose to pursue this approach. It outlines several ways to remove Mao ransomware and decrypt .mao files without paying the hackers.

How to Remove

Delete virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a questionable website which attempts to trick users into accepting its notifications request. claims that users need to click or tap Allow on its “Show notifications” pop-up box to see a video, access a page, solve a CAPTCHA, etc. If someone does click Allow, notifications from will begin appearing on the person’s screen periodically with ads, clickbait links, software offers, scammy messages, etc. The notifications will pop-up in a corner of the screen on a computer or on the lockscreen on a mobile device. READ MORE

How to Remove Extended Tech From Mac

MicroWeb Search is controlling this setting virus removal from mac os x

What Is Extended Tech?

Extended Tech is a browser extension that may appear on your Mac one day, change your browsers’ default search engine and resist your attempts to uninstall it. Extensions that change search engine or homepage without permission are called browser hijackers. Most of the time they get installed on computers together with free or cracked software or with files downloaded from untrustworthy sources. Extended Tech hijacker sets the default search provider on Google Chrome to a fake search engine which redirects all searches to Yahoo. You may follow this step-by-step guide to uninstall Extended Tech and restore your preferred search engine. READ MORE

How to Remove Ads

Delete Clean Cool Dating Top virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is an untrustworthy website which attempts to trick users into accepting its notifications request. claims that users have to click or tap Allow on its notifications confirmation pop-up box if they wish to see a video, open a webpage, confirm that they are 18+, etc. Should a user click Allow, notifications from will begin appearing on his or her screen from time to time and spamming the user with ads, links to shady sites, software offers, fake messages, etc. The notifications will be appearing on the right side of the screen if it’s a computer, or on the status bar if it’s a mobile device. READ MORE

How to Remove Pop-ups

Delete powerpc support virus notifications

What Is is a shady site which claims that users have malware on their computers and need to download an antivirus. There are numerous sites like that on the Internet: some of them provide affiliate links to actual antiviruses, while others push malware packages which may consist of adware, mining software, ransomware, etc. A user may get redirected to after following a dubious link or visiting a hacked webpage, or there may be adware on the user’s machine which keeps redirecting the user to various shady sites including This step-by-step guide will help you uninstall adware and remove pop-ups or redirects from your browser. READ MORE

How to Remove Virus

Delete virus

What Is

If site keeps opening when you open new tabs, or your searches are getting redirected to, there is probably a browser hijacker installed on your machine (mobile device or computer). A browser hijacker is a piece of software that may get installed on a device together with free or cracked apps and games or with files downloaded from untrustworthy sources. Browser hijackers change homepage, new tab page or the default search engine on browsers and stop users from altering those settings again. Some hijackers also collect users’ data (searching history, browsing history) and show them targeted ads based on their interests, or sell that data to third-party advertisers. You may follow instructions below to get rid of the browser hijacker and remove search engine from your browsers. READ MORE

How to remove Bpws ransomware

What is Bpws ransomware?

Bpws is a computer virus that exhibits behaviors characteristic of ransomware. It encrypts the files on the infected computer, gives them .bpws file extension, and creates a ransom note named “_readme.txt”. This note contains the virus’s demands, however, it is not unique. Bpws is a part of the STOP/Djvu ransomware family; as a result, it demands the same thing as other viruses in this family. You can verify this yourself by checking out Iswr, another STOP/Djvu virus.
Bpws’s ransom note can be read on the image above. In the note, the virus asks for a payment of 980 US dollars. Victims who pay within three days of infection are promised a 50% discount. This discount exists to manipulate victims into paying quickly instead of having second thoughts or trying to do research.
The hackers don’t want you to do that, because there are ways to remove Bpws ransomware and decrypt .bpws files without paying them money. These ways are not perfect; not all files may be recoverable. However, this is still better than putting your trust in a criminal. We will explain these methods in the guide below.

How to remove Bpto ransomware

What is Bpto ransomware?

Bpto is a ransomware-type virus that belongs to the STOP/Djvu family. All viruses in the family share the majority of their code; as a result, they are nearly identical to one another. You may compare Bpto to other STOP/Djvu viruses such as Isal and verify the similarity by yourself.
Bpto itself is a fairly typical ransomware program; the only unique thing about it is its name. After encrypting the files, ransomware viruses tend to rename them to increase the visibility of the attack. In our case, the files are given .bpto file extension. The virus was named after this extension.
Bpto’s ransom note is not unique. The text and demands it contains are identical to notes left by other STOP/Djvu viruses. Despite this, we have included the note in the image above to serve as an easy reference. Hackers demand $980 from the victim, or $490 if the victim pays quickly.
Obviously, this is not a good deal; at the end of the day, you are still paying for something that was yours to begin with. But it gets worse, as many hackers don’t bother with decrypting the files after getting paid. Our guide presents a viable alternative, a way to remove Bpto ransomware and decrypt .bpto files without any contact with the hacker.

How to remove District ransomware

District ransom note:

You only have 96 hours to submit the payment
Danger: our contacts change every 3 days
Do not hesitate, contact us immediately
Then we will not be available
Attention: if you do not have money then you do not need to write to us!
The file is encrypted with the AES-256 algorithm
Only we can decrypt the file!
Our email: Everywhere

This is the end of the note. Below you will find a guide explaining how to remove District ransomware.

What is District ransomware?

District ransomware is a recently discovered computer virus. It encrypts victims’ data with the intention of holding it ransom; for this reason, it has been categorized as ransomware.
In addition to encrypting the files, District also renames them. The hackers’ e-mail, “”, is added to the end of file names, as well as .district file extension. It also creates a ransom note named “READ_IT.district”. This note can be read on the image above.
The hackers say that victims have only 96 hours to pay them, and that their contacts change every three days. This, however, is inconsistent; 96 hours is four days, not three. This is most likely a lie designed to scare the victims into paying. The note does not mention how much the hackers want for decrypting the files. It is unclear whether this is intentional or an oversight on their part.
Regardless, you’re advised not to contact these criminals. These unscrupulous characters have a reputation of disappearing after receiving the money, without decrypting any files at all. This is why exploring other ways to remove District ransomware and decrypt .district files is a worthwhile endeavor. Some of them can be learned from the guide below.

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