How to remove Dgnlwjw ransomware

Dgnlwjw ransom note:

We inform you that your network has undergone a penetration test, during which we encrypted
your files and downloaded more than 100 GB of your and your customers data, including:


Confidential documents
Personal data
Copy of some mailboxes
Databases backups


Important! Do not try to decrypt the files yourself or using third-party utilities.
The only program that can decrypt them is our decryptor.
Any other program will only damage files in such a way that it will be impossible to restore them.


You can get all the necessary evidence, discuss with us possible solutions to this problem and request a decryptor by using the contacts below.
Please be advised that if we don't receive a response from you within 3 days, we reserve the right to publish files to the public.

Contact us: or



Customer service TOX ID: 0FF26770BFAEAD95194506E6970CC1 C395B04159038D785DE316F05CE6DE67324C6038727A58
Only emergency! Use if support is not responding

This is the end of the note. Below you will find a guide explaining how to remove Dgnlwjw ransomware.

What is Dgnlwjw ransomware?

Dgnlwjw is a malicious program that encrypts the files on the victim’s computer. The hackers then offer “decryption services”, hoping that the victim had some sensitive or valuable data they’d want back. As the hackers are basically holding the files ransom, this category of programs is known as ransomware.
Dgnlwjw belongs to the Snatch ransomware family. It changes the encrypted files’ names, giving them .dgnlwjw file extension. This is not a coincidence; the virus was named after its extension, as it is often the only unique thing about them.
To demand ransom from their victims, the virus creates a text file named “HOW TO RESTORE YOUR FILES.TXT”. You can read the ransom note on the image above. Unfortunately, it doesn’t contain much information. The hackers do not mention how much they want for decryption. However, the note suggests that Dgnlwjw was made to target companies, so the ransom amount is likely quite substantial.
So what should you do if you’re a normal person whose computer has been infected with Dgnlwjw? Not give up, that’s for sure. Our guide contains several methods that will allow you to remove Dgnlwjw ransomware and decrypt .dgnlwjw files without involving the hackers.

How to Remove

Delete Go Ads Network virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a questionable website which tries to trick users into accepting its notifications request. claims that users need to click or tap Allow on its “Show notifications” pop-up box to access a website, view a video, solve a CAPTCHA, or for another reason. If someone does click Allow, notifications from will begin appearing on the person’s screen from time to time with ads, clickbait links, software offers, scammy messages, etc. The notifications will appear on the right side of the screen on a computer or on the status bar on a mobile phone. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete,, virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a dubious website which attempts to trick users into accepting its notifications request. claims that users have to click or tap Allow on its notifications confirmation pop-up to watch a video, start a download, verify that they are not robots, etc. If someone does click Allow, notifications will begin appearing on the person’s screen from time to time and spamming him or her with ads, clickbait links, fake alerts, software offers, etc. The notifications will be showing up on the right side of the screen on a computer or on the lockscreen on a mobile device. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete Go Ads Zone virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a questionable website that tries to trick users into accepting its notifications request. tells users that clicking Allow on its “Show notifications” pop-up will let them see a video, access a webpage, download a file, solve a CAPTCHA, etc. Once allowed, notifications will spam users with ads, clickbait links, scammy messages, prompts to download some programs, etc. The notifications will show up in a corner of the screen if it’s a computer or on the status bar if it’s a smartphone. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a questionable website which tries to trick users into accepting its notifications request. may tell users that they need to click or tap Allow on its “Show notifications” pop-up box to access a website, watch a video, prove that they are not bots, or for some other reason. If a user clicks Allow, notifications from will begin appearing on his or her screen periodically with ads, clickbait links, software offers, fake alerts, etc. The notifications will be showing up in a corner of the screen on a computer or on the status bar on a mobile device. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a dubious website that attempts to trick users into subscribing to the site’s notifications service. Push notifications are messages from websites that appear in a corner of the screen on computers and on the status bar on mobile devices. claims that users need to turn on its notifications to access a webpage, watch a video, solve a CAPTCHA, etc. Once allowed, the notifications will start spamming users with ads, clickbait links, software offers, scammy messages, and so on. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a shady website which attempts to trick users into allowing it to send them notifications. may tell users that they need to click or tap Allow on its notifications confirmation pop-up if they wish to access a page, watch a video, start a download, solve a CAPTCHA, etc. Should a user click Allow, notifications from will start appearing on his or her screen from time to time and spamming the user with ads, links to dubious websites, prompts to download some programs, fraudulent messages, and so on. The notifications will appear on the right side of the screen on a computer or on the status bar and the lockscreen on a mobile device. READ MORE

How to remove Mekwyk ransomware

Mekwyk ransom note:

::: Greetings :::

Little FAQ:
Q: Whats Happen?
A: Your files have been encrypted. The file structure was not damaged, we did everything possible so that this could not happen.

Q: How to recover files?
A: If you wish to decrypt your files you will need to pay in Monero(XMR) - this is one of the types of cryptocurrency, you can get acquainted  with it in more detail here:

Q: What about guarantees?
A: Its just a business. We absolutely do not care about you and your deals, except getting benefits. If we do not do our work and liabilities - nobody will cooperate with us. Its not in our 

To check the ability of returning files, you can send to us any 2 files with SIMPLE extensions(jpg,xls,doc, etc... not databases!) and low sizes(max 1 mb), we will decrypt them and send back 

to you. That is our guarantee.

Q: How to contact with you?
A: Please, write us to our qTOX account: A2D64928FE333BF394C79BB1F0B8F3 E85AFE84F913135CCB481F0B13ADDDD1055AC5ECD33A05
   You can learn about this way of communication and download it here:
Or use Bitmessage and write to our address: BM-NC6V9JcMRuLPnSuPFN8upRPRRmHEMSFA
   You can learn about this way of communication and download it here: and here:

Q: How will the decryption process proceed after payment?
A: After payment we will send to you our scanner-decoder program and detailed instructions for use. With this program you will be able to decrypt all your encrypted files.

Q: If I don’t want to pay bad people like you?
A: If you will not cooperate with our service - for us, its does not matter. But you will lose your time and data, cause only we have the private key. In practice - time is much more valuable 

than money.

DON'T try to change encrypted files by yourself!
If you will try to use any third party software for restoring your data or antivirus solutions - please make a backup for all encrypted files!
Any changes in encrypted files may entail damage of the private key and, as result, the loss all data.

This is the end of the note. Below you will find a guide explaining how to remove Mekwyk ransomware.

What is Mekwyk ransomware?

Mekwyk is a computer virus created to encrypt the victims’ files so that the hackers could demand money for their decryption. As this can be seen as holding the data ransom, these types of viruses are named ransomware.
Although encrypting the files is the most damaging thing Mekwyk does, it also performs several other actions. It renames the files after encrypting them; the victim’s unique ID and .mekwyk file extensiion get appended to the end of each filename.
The virus also creates a ransom note to communicate its demands to the victim. This note is a text file named “RESTORE_FILES_INFO.txt”. A screenshot of this file can be seen above. You might have to right-click on the image and select “Open image in new tab” to read the text.
The note mentions that the hackers want to be paid in a cryptocurrency named Monero, however, it does not mention the actual price. Perhaps you’re considering writing them just to find out how much money they want, but this is not a good idea. Contacting the hackers means they will be much more likely to attack you again in the future. This is why you should follow our guide instead. It contains several methods to remove Mekwyk ransomware and decrypt .mekwyk files that do not involve paying the hackers or messaging them.

How to remove Erqw ransomware

What is Erqw ransomware?

Erqw is a file-encrypting virus, which means that it’s classified as ransomware. More specifically, Erqw is a variant of STOP/Djvu ransomware.
There are thousands of such variants, and hundreds of recent ones. That is because it is very easy for the hackers to produce a new STOP/Djvu variant; all of them strongly resemble one another as hackers reuse most of the code. For example, if you check out Assm ransomware, another STOP/Djvu variant that’s been active recently, you will find that it’s very similar to Erqw.
The easiest way to tell these viruses apart is to look at the names of encrypted files. Very often, ransomware programs will rename them; in our case, the files are given .erqw file extension. This means that a file named “song.mp3” would be renamed to “song.mp3.erqw” after encryption.
Erqw virus creates a ransom note, named “_readme.txt”, to communicate its demands to the victim. It demands $980 in ransom, or $490 if paid within 72 hours after the attack. The note frames it as a discount, however it simply means that the price will double after three days.
This increase in price is designed to manipulate the victims into paying, but you shouldn’t. There are other ways to remove Erqw ransomware and decrypt .erqw files, after all. The guide below lists a few.

How to remove Script ransomware

Script ransom note:

Chaos Virus !

contact me on instagram : @r.sgfs , to decrypt your files

This is the end of the note. Below you will find a guide explaining how to remove Script ransomware.

What is Script ransomware?

Script is a malicious program in the Chaos family. It is categorized as ransomware, which means that the program’s goal is to extort money by encrypting the files and demanding pay for their decryption.
After encrypting the files, the virus also renames them. Each file is given .Script file extension. This means that a file named “video.mp4”, for example, would be renamed “video.mp4.Script” after getting encrypted.
Script also changes the victim’s desktop wallpaper, and, more importantly, creates a ransom note. The note is a very short text file, named “read_it.txt”, which you can read on the image above. As you can see, it barely contains any information at all; the victim is simply told to message the hacker on Telegram.
However, doing so is associated with certain risks. Even if you don’t agree to pay, contacting the hacker can make you a target of another ransomware attack in the future. Luckily, there are alternatives. It is possible to remove Script ransomware and decrypt .Script files without contacting the criminal at all. Read the guide below to learn how to accomplish this.

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