How to remove Kifr ransomware

What is Kifr ransomware?

Kifr is a newly-discovered virus that infects computers through suspicious e-mail attachments, untrustworthy websites (especially 18+ websites), phishing links, and other means. Once it has infected a computer, Kifr virus encrypts all files it can find. These encrypted files can’t be opened. To reverse the procedure, Kifr demands money.
Kifr is very similar to other viruses that were released recently, like Kitz and Kiwm. That is not a coincidence; all of them belong to the STOP/Djvu ransomware family.
Despite this similarity, you can easily identify Kifr virus. It renames the files after encrypting them; all encrypted files have .kifr extension. Though, considering you’re reading this article, you already know that you’re dealing with Kifr ransomware.
So, what should you do about it? In the ransom note left by the virus (“_readme.txt”, see image above), the hackers suggest that you pay them $980 (or $490, but that’s still a lot). Not a very appealing prospect.
But there’s another way; several of them, in fact. The guide below contains methods that you can employ to remove Kifr ransomware and decrypt .kifr files without giving a single cent to the damned criminals.

How to remove Kiwm ransomware

What is Kiwm ransomware?

Kiwm is a malicious program (malware) that encrypts all files on your computer so that it can demand money for returning them. This category of malware is known as ransomware.
This virus is not unique in the slightest; it belongs to the STOP/Djvu ransomware family, which contains thousands of viruses very similar to this one (like Kitz and Jywd).
All STOP/Djvu viruses behave in the same way. They give a four-letter extension to the encrypted files (in our case, .kiwm file extension). They create a ransom note named “_readme.txt”, which always contains the same text (read it on the image above if you want). And they always demand $980 for decryption.
Which is a fairly steep price, don’t you think? The hackers provide a 50% discount if you pay quickly, but $490 is still a lot. Especially if you consider that many victims of ransomware attacks that choose to pay the hackers don’t get their files back. The criminals simply take the money and disappear.
This is why you should not pay the hackers and read our guide instead. It will help you remove Kiwm ransomware and decrypt .kiwm files without getting involved with these cyber-crooks.

How to remove Kitz ransomware

What is Kitz ransomware?

Kitz is a harmful program in the ransomware category. This type of viruses is known for encrypting the files on your computer and demanding money for their decryption.
Kitz is a part of the STOP/Djvu ransomware family (a group of viruses all based on one template). This is why it’s similar to other STOP/Djvu viruses like Torm ransomware.
Files encrypted by the Kitz virus receive .kitz file extension; in fact, this is how the virus got its name. This is useful for the purposes of identification, but not for much else. The ransom note left by the virus, “_readme.txt”, is much more useful. It contains important information about the virus, specifically, how much money the hackers demand.
This demand is always the same when it comes to STOP/Djvu malware: the hackers want 980 US dollars. There’s also a “discount” for those who pay quickly, but you should remember that this is a trick.
Considering how many STOP/Djvu strains exist out there, it’s unlikely that the hackers actually bother decrypting anyone’s files. More likely, they will simply take the money and stop replying; such situations are very common. This is why you should learn about other ways to remove Kitz ransomware and decrypt .kitz files. Some of them are described in the guide below, so go ahead and read it.

How to remove Proton ransomware

Proton ransom note:

				~~~ Proton ~~~
    What happened?
    We encrypted and stolen all of your files.
    We use AES and ECC algorithms.
    Nobody can recover your files without our decryption service.

    How to recover?
    We are not a politically motivated group and we want nothing more than money.
    If you pay, we will provide you with decryption software and destroy the stolen data.

    What guarantees?
    You can send us an unimportant file less than 1 MG, We decrypt it as guarantee.
    If we do not send you the decryption software or delete stolen data, no one will pay us in future so we will keep our promise.

    How to contact us?
    Our Telegram ID: @ransom70
    Our email address:
    In case of no answer within 24 hours, contact to this email:
    Write your personal ID in the subject of the email.

Your personal ID: [REDACTED]

  - Do not go to recovery companies, they are just middlemen who will make money off you and cheat you.
    They secretly negotiate with us, buy decryption software and will sell it to you many times more expensive or they will simply scam you.
  - Do not hesitate for a long time. The faster you pay, the lower the price.
  - Do not delete or modify encrypted files, it will lead to problems with decryption of files.

This is the end of the note. Below you will find a guide explaining how to remove Proton ransomware and decrypt .kigatsu files.

What is Proton ransomware?

Proton ransomware, sometimes also known as Kigatsu ransomware, is a computer virus that encrypts all files on your computer. This behavior is characteristic to ransomware. This type of viruses holds your files ransom, that is to say, demand payment to decrypt them.
Proton renames the files after encrypting them. It appends the hacker’s e-mail, the victim’s unique ID, and .kigatsu file extension to the end of each name. For example, a file named “income.xlsx” could be renamed to “income.xlsx.[][3A67DF03].kigatsu”. This is why this virus is also known as Kigatsu ransomware.
The virus also leaves a ransom note, “README.txt”, which contains instructions for the victim. You may read it on the image above, however, you will not find anything particularly noteworthy there. Unfortunately, the hackers chose not to reveal how much money they want for decryption; they simply tell the victim to contact them.
Generally speaking, it is not recommended to pay these criminals, and even contacting them could be risky. Quite often, the hackers simply disappear after receiving payment, without decrypting anything at all. Alternatively, they might return the files, but attack you again sometime later.
This is why we encourage you to learn about other ways to remove Proton ransomware and decrypt .kigatsu files. The guide below is a good place to start.

How to remove Torm ransomware

What is Torm ransomware?

Torm ransomware is a virus in the STOP/Djvu family designed to encrypt your files (which makes them inaccessible) and demand ransom for them.
There are many STOP/Djvu viruses out there: Jywd, Tyos, and Typo are a few recent examples. If you compare these viruses with Torm, you will find that they are very similar. That is because they were created using the same template.
After encrypting the files, the virus gives them .torm file extension. This means that a file called “image.png” will be renamed to “image.png.torm” after encryption.
Torm virus also creates a ransom note, in which the hackers tell the victim how much they should pay and provide contact information. This note is called “_readme.txt”, and you can read it on the image above. There’s no need for that, though; we will describe the demands for you.
The hackers want to be paid $980 for them to decrypt the files. But if the victim pays quickly, the price is lower: $490. Of course, this is still a substantial amount of money, and so you may want to explore other ways to remove Torm ransomware and decrypt .torm files. The guide below describes several such methods, so keep reading.

How to remove BlackByteNT ransomware

BlackByteNT ransom note:


All your files have been encrypted, your confidential data has been stolen,
in order to decrypt files and avoid leakage, you must follow our steps.

1) Download and install TOR Browser from this site:
2) Paste the URL in TOR Browser and you will be redirected to our chat with all information that you need.
3) If you read this message thats means your files already for sell in our Auction.
   Everyday of delaying will cause higer price. after 4 days if you wont connect us,  
   We will remove your chat access and you will lose your chance to get decrypted

Warning! Communication with us occurs only through this link, or through our mail on our Auction.
We also strongly DO NOT recommend using third-party tools to decrypt files,  
as this will simply kill them completely without the possibility of recovery.
I repeat, in this case, no one can help you!


Your Key to access the chat: [REDACTED]

Find our Auction here (TOR Browser): [REDACTED]

This is the end of the note. Below you will find a guide explaining how to remove BlackByteNT ransomware and decrypt .blackbytent files.

What is BlackByteNT ransomware?

BlackByteNT ransomware, also known as BlackByte v3 ransomware, is the latest virus released by the infamous BlackByte ransomware group. Designed to attack primarily large companies, this virus may nonetheless find its way into the computers of regular folks.
Like all ransomware, BlackByteNT encrypts files with the aim of demanding money for decryption. In this case, the hackers also threaten to release corporate secrets: the victim is informed that their files are selling on auction in the dark web.
Files encrypted by BlackByteNT ransomware are renamed. Their names are replaced with random gibberish, while their extensions are replaced with “.blackbytent” file extension. The ransom note, meanwhile, is called “BB_Readme_[RANDOM].txt”, where “[RANDOM]” is a string of eight random numbers and letters. You may read the ransom note on the image above, however, it does not contain any valuable information such as ransom amount. The hackers simply threaten the victim and give them a few dark web links to follow.
Governments all around the world advise against paying the ransomware criminals, as it only results in further attacks. And an individual whose computer has been infected with BlackByteNT by accident will not be able to pay either way. So, you need another way to remove BlackByteNT ransomware and decrypt .blackbytent files. Read the guide below to learn about your options.

How to remove WiKoN ransomware

WiKoN ransom note:


All your files have been encrypted
And their decryption will cost you 0.05 bitcoin.

To start the decryption process follow the steps below

Step 1) Make sure you send 0.05 bitcoin to this wallet:

Step 2) Contact me at this email address:
With this Subject: [REDACTED]

After the payment has been confirmed,
you will receive the decryptor and the keys for decryption!

Other information:

If you don't own bitcoin, you can buy it here very easily

You can find a larger list here:

If the payment is not made in 2 days, I will consider that you do not want to decrypt your files,
and therefore the keys generated for your PC will be permanently.deleted.

This is the end of the note. Below you will find a guide explaining how to remove WiKoN ransomware and decrypt .WiKoN files.

What is WiKoN ransomware?

WiKoN is a new malicious program that encrypts files on your computer. Viruses that act like this are known as ransomware, because the point of encrypting the files is to demand ransom for the decryption.
WiKoN virus performs several other actions. First, it renames encrypted files, giving them .WiKoN file extension. Second, it creates a ransom note called “HOW TO DECRYPT FILES.txt”. You can read its text on the image above. Third, it changes the desktop wallpaper to a black image that contains the same text as the ransom note.
The note is, obviously, the most important of these three. It contains the hacker’s contact information, and mentions how much money the hacker wants: 0.05 BitCoin. And that’s a lot of money! As of 04/04/2023, 0.05 BTC is equal to 1414 USD. And although cryptocurrency exchange rates are not exactly stable, it’s unlikely that the price of BitCoin will fall so much as to make the decryption affordable.
Very few people are willing to give fourteen hundred dollars to a criminal in hopes that the criminal will return their files. Thankfully, there are other ways to remove WiKoN ransomware and decrypt .WiKoN files. Read the guide below and learn about them.

How to Remove

Delete virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a questionable website which tries to trick users into allowing it to send them notifications. claims that users need to click or tap Allow on its notifications confirmation pop-up if they wish to see a video, play a game, solve a CAPTCHA, etc. If a user clicks Allow, notifications will begin appearing on the screen time and again and spamming the user with ads, links to dubious websites, fake alerts and messages, and so on. notifications will be showing up on the right side of the screen on a computer or on the status bar on a smartphone. READ MORE

How to Remove Big Captcha Here Top

Delete virus notifications
Big Captcha Here Top prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is Big Captcha Here Top?

Big Captcha Here Top ( is a questionable website that attempts to trick users into accepting its notifications request. Big Captcha Here Top claims that users need to click Allow on its “Show notifications” dialog box to access a page, see a video, download a file, or for some other reason. If a user does click Allow, notifications from Big Captcha Here Top will begin appearing on his or her screen periodically with ads, links to shady sites, software offers, scammy messages, etc. The notifications will be showing up in a corner of the screen if it’s a computer and on the status bar if it’s a mobile device. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a dubious site which attempts to trick users into accepting its notifications request. claims that users have to click or tap Allow on its notifications confirmation pop-up box if they wish to access a page, view a video, solve a CAPTCHA, or for another reason. If a user clicks Allow, notifications from will begin showing up on the screen time and again and spamming the user with ads, clickbait links, fraudulent messages, fake alerts from the OS, etc. notifications will be appearing in a corner of the screen on a PC or on the status bar on a mobile device. READ MORE

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