How to Remove

Delete News Nourish virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a questionable website which attempts to trick users into accepting its notifications request. may tell users that they have to click or tap Allow on its notifications confirmation pop-up box to access a webpage, watch a video, start a download, or for another reason. If someone does click Allow, notifications from will start appearing on his or her screen from time to time with ads, links to shady sites, prompts to download various programs, fake alerts, etc. notifications will be showing up on the right side of the screen if it’s a computer or on the status bar if it’s a mobile device. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete All Hype Feed virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is one of many dubious sites that attempt to make users subscribe to notifications from those sites. Site notifications are messages from websites that appear in the lower-right corner of the screen on Windows, in the top-right corner of the screen on macOS, and on the status bar on Android. tells users that they need to allow its notifications to access a webpage, see a video, start a download, or for another reason. If a user does allow notifications from, those notifications will begin appearing on the screen time and again and spamming the user with ads, clickbait links, fake messages and alerts, software offers, etc. READ MORE

How to remove Xash ransomware

What is Xash ransomware?

Xash is a harmful program that encrypts files on your computer, then demands money to give them back. This behavior is the defining characteristic of ransomware, a category of viruses.
There are many other viruses similar to Xash out there, like Gatz and Qopz. Despite this, it is easy to determine which virus encrypted your files – almost all ransomware, Xash included, gives encrypted files a new extension (in this case, .xash file extension).
As you may already know, the hackers want $980 or $490 for decryption – this is mentioned in the “_readme.txt” file left by the virus. For most people, this price is not acceptable; since you’re reading this article, this likely includes you.
So, we have some good news. It is indeed possible to remove Xash ransomware and decrypt .xash files without paying the cybercriminals. Not all files may be recoverable, but it’s still a lot better than losing almost a thousand dollars. Read the guide below to learn which options are available to you.

How to remove Gatz ransomware

What is Gatz ransomware?

Gatz is the newest computer virus in the STOP/Djvu ransomware family. The virus, just like every other ransomware program, encrypts all files it can reach. After doing this, it proceeds to demand payment for the decryption of the files.
STOP/Djvu viruses are incredibly similar to one another, so there aren’t many ways to confirm that your computer has been infected by Gatz specifically. The only reliable method is to check the extension of the encrypted files – they should have .gatz file extension.
To communicate with its victims, the virus creates a file named “_readme.txt”. This file is a ransom note; it contains the hackers’ contact information and their demands. As you can read on the image above, the hackers order the victims to pay $980 to get their files back. To discourage hesitation, the hackers also provide a 50% “discount” to those who pay within 3 days of infection.
Of course, this is still a bad deal. And to make the matters worse, the hackers will often cut communications with the victim after getting paid, without decrypting any files. This is why you should consider alternate ways to remove Gatz ransomware and decrypt .gatz files; read the article below to learn more about them.

How to Remove CrystalCrafter.Top

Delete Crystal Crafter Top virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a dubious website which tries to trick users into accepting its notifications request. may tell users that they have to click Allow on its “Show notifications” pop-up box if they want to access a webpage, view a video, prove that they are not bots, etc. If a user does click Allow, notifications from will start appearing on the screen periodically with ads, links to shady sites, prompts to download various programs, fake alerts, etc. notifications will be appearing in a corner of the screen on a computer or on the status bar on a mobile device. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a questionable website which tries to trick users into accepting its notifications request. may tell users that they need to click or tap Allow on its notifications confirmation pop-up if they want to access a page, watch a video, start a download, etc. If someone does click Allow, notifications from will begin appearing on his or her screen periodically with ads, links to dubious sites, prompts to download some programs, fake messages, etc. The notifications will be showing up on the right side of the screen if it’s a computer or on the status bar if it’s a mobile device. READ MORE

How to Remove Virus

Delete,, virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is one of many dubious sites that try to trick users into accepting notifications from those sites. claims that users have to click Allow on its “Show notifications” pop-up box to prove that they are humans and not robots. Once allowed, notifications from will start appearing on the screen time and again with ads, links to shady sites, fake messages and alerts, software offers, etc. The notifications will be showing up in the lower right hand corner of the screen if it‘s a Windows machine, in the top right hand corner of the screen if it’s a Macbook, or on the status bar if it’s an Android device. READ MORE

How to remove Gash ransomware

What is Gash ransomware?

Gash is a recently-developed virus in the STOP/Djvu ransomware group. As you may already know, ransomware-type viruses encrypt files on the attacked computer and then demand money for their decryption.
This is exactly what Gash does; after infecting the computer, it encrypts all the files and gives them .gash file extension. Then, it creates a text file called “_readme.txt” – the ransom note. It describes the hackers’ demands and contains their contact information.
The demands, unsurprisingly, are very straightforward – the hackers want 980 US dollars. The hackers also offer a 50% discount to those who pay quickly; this is a trick designed to get money out of hesitant victims. If you take a moment to think, you’ll realize that $490 is still a fairly sizeable sum of money.
Price alone is a sufficient reason to investigate alternative ways to remove Gash ransomware and decrypt .gash files. But it is not the only one. Often, the criminals don’t bother decrypting the files even after receiving the payment. So, read our guide to learn how to avoid paying the hackers.

How to remove Qopz ransomware

What is Qopz ransomware?

Qopz is a new virus that operates under the ransomware principle; it encrypts your files and demands payment to decrypt them. Often, ransomware programs also install additional viruses, such as keyloggers and information stealers. Whether Qopz does so or not is unknown; it may depend on how the computer was infected.
Still, we do know quite a lot about this virus. It belongs to the STOP/Djvu ransomware family, and is similar to other such viruses as a result. It creates a ransom note called “_readme.txt”, which contains the hackers’ demands. It can be read on the image above, though this is unnecessary; we will summarize it in the next paragraph.
The hackers want $980 to decrypt the files. As a way to pressure the victim into paying, they also offer a 50% discount which only lasts 3 days after encryption. This is fairly expensive, so you may be wondering whether there’s another way to remove Qopz ransomware and decrypt .qopz files.
Well, wonder no further, because we are here to tell you – there is. In fact, there are several different methods which may be able to restore your files. Read the guide below to learn about them.

How to Remove

Delete Top Field Now virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a dubious website which tries to trick users into accepting its notifications request. may tell users that they need to click or tap Allow on its “Show notifications” pop-up box in order to access a webpage, watch a video, solve a CAPTCHA, etc. If someone does click Allow, notifications from will start appearing on the screen periodically with ads, links to dubious sites, prompts to download various software, fake messages, and so on. The notifications will be showing up on the right side of the screen on a computer or on the status bar on a mobile device. READ MORE

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