How to remove Vapo ransomware

What is Vapo ransomware?

Vapo is a highly damaging program that encrypts all files on the computers it infects. This virus, as well as every other virus that behaves in this manner, are known as ransomware.
Thanks to antivirus programs and other ways to disrupt the hackers’ activities, ransomware viruses quickly become ineffective. Unfortunately, the hackers adapted by releasing new viruses almost every day; they maintain this pace by re-using most of the code. As a result, many viruses are very similar to each other. For example, Vapo is almost the same as Gatq, an older ransomware virus.
For a more practical perspective, let’s take a look at the ransom note left by the Vapo virus. It is a text file called “_readme.txt” that contains the hackers’ demands. The victim, they say, must pay 980 US dollars to decrypt their files. They also offer a 50% discount that quickly expires, to pressure people into paying.
If paying either $980 or $490 to gain access to your own data doesn’t sound attractive to you – and it shouldn’t – then you’ll be happy to learn that there’s an alternative. Read the article below and learn how to remove Vapo ransomware and decrypt .vapo files without paying the criminals.

How to remove Gatq ransomware

What is Gatq ransomware?

Gatq is a harmful program in the ransomware category. These viruses prevent their victims from accessing their files by encrypting them, then demands money for decryption.
Most ransomware viruses are made using a template, which allows the hackers to create them very fast. By creating many viruses that are slightly different from one another, the criminals hope to bypass threat detection systems of antiviruses.
Gatq is one such virus; it was made using the STOP/Djvu template. As a consequence of this, it is very similar to other viruses made with the same template (e.g. Gaze and Gapo). But it is still very easy to determine which virus you’re dealing with; files encrypted by this virus have .gatq file extension.
By reading the ransom note created by the virus, “_readme.txt”, we can determine the hackers’ demands. There’s nothing complex about them; as the criminals are simply trying to make money, that is what they demand. According to the note, the victim has to pay 980 US dollars to decrypt the files. To pressure people into paying, they also offer a “discount” for those who pay quickly.
However, the note lies. There are other ways to remove Gatq ransomware and decrypt .gatq files; paying the hackers is not the only option. Read our guide to learn what else you can do.

How to remove Gaze ransomware

What is Gaze ransomware?

Gaze is a ransomware virus. Viruses of this type encrypt all files on the victim’s computer and demand ransom to decrypt them. Hence, the name.
Gaze is not a unique virus; it was made using the STOP/Djvu template. Each day, hackers create new viruses using this template, altering them slightly in hopes of bypassing antivirus protection. As a result, thousands of STOP/Djvu viruses exist: Gapo, Xaro, and Xash are several recent examples.
But, although Gaze is similar to other viruses in the STOP/Djvu family, there is still a reliable way to identify it. All STOP/Djvu viruses rename the victim’s files after encryption and give them a new four-letter extension – .gaze file extension, in our case.
The hackers’ demands remain the same in each STOP/Djvu iteration – evidently, they see no need to alter them. They are communicated via a ransom note – always called “_readme.txt” – and are pretty simple. The victim must pay $980 to receive their files back, or $490 if they pay within 72 hours (3 days) of infection.
The hackers insist that paying is the only way to restore your files, but this is a lie. There are, in fact, other ways to remove Gaze ransomware and decrypt .gaze files – read about them in the article below.

How to remove Gapo ransomware

What is Gapo ransomware?

Gapo is a malicious program – that is to say, a virus – that extorts money out of its victims by encrypting their files and demanding payment to decrypt them. Viruses that generate money for the hacker in this manner are classified as ransomware.
Generally speaking, there are two types of ransomware attacks. There are carefully crafted viruses out there, made to attack one specific target (typically a large company); these can demand millions of dollars in ransom. The other kind are mass-produced viruses that target the general public and demand much less money.
Gapo is the latter kind of virus. It shares many similarities with other viruses, as it was made using a template. However, files encrypted by this virus have .gapo file extension, so it’s still possible to distinguish it from others.
As Gapo virus targets an average person, its demands aren’t astronomically high. The ransom note created by the virus, a text file called “_readme.txt”, states that each victim must pay $980 (or $490 if they pay quickly) to get their files back.
This, of course, is still pretty expensive, especially if you live in a developing country. But paying is not your only option. In the guide below, you can find a list of alternative ways to remove Gapo ransomware and decrypt .gapo files.

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Captcha Wizard Top prompts users to allow its notifications

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